Steven Stone and Groudon's Awakening

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Me and Steven didn't take the risk of sleeping together that night or else we'll wake up and see Nurse Joy staring at us weird so all we had to do was just smile from afar so people won't go: 'Ey look! These two are in a relationship!
And you know what that means: it means Angry Amy 0.1 is about to be released.
Angry Amy is like the Houndoom of my spirit. And yes, Houndoom is the one who taught me how to release that inner angry spirit of mine. So here's another common fact I share between me and my Pokémon.
After we were healed up and ready to go, I led the guys to Mt. Chimney so we can get Maxie for blowing the heck out of us.
"You think it's safe to go...uh, waltzing right in there?" Wally asked me cautiously.
"We won't be going there directly," Cilan told him, "I'm sure if we go there we'll have a plan of attack...right, Amy?"
Everyone had their eyes on me. Ba-bada-bum, the microphone is with Amy. Why whenever they don't have ideas, they look for an answer from me? I mean, I'm just as clueless don't get me wrong. I never really know where I'm going but whenever I visit a region, it is sort of expected that I have no idea where to go.
I just waltz around aimlessly.
The only time I do have a plan is whenever I'm in full battle mode. And when I am, it is an automatic Deploy if Angry Amy 0.1.
"Uuuuuuh," I said.
"Maybe we should scout on them, see what they're up to and then we attack?" Steven suggested, saving me from the awkward silence.
"Ye, ye, ye. Let's do that," I told them hastily, pulling back with Steven's arm.
When we were way behind, my hand slipped on his cheek and I gave him a hasty peck on the lips, murmuring a small but thankful thank you.
He smirked and nodded, kissing my cheek and pulling up ahead. Sure I'm the leader. Am I tough? Am I strong? Am I merciless and hardcore? Absolutely.
Did I whimper pathetically just thinking about Steven? You betcha. Gulping down these feelings, I focused on Maxie.
The nasty dude I thought was a lady for the first time ever we met. Dang I'm gonna slap that smirk off his face once I get there, I swear! Right out into the window of tomorrow!
I clenched and unclenched my fists in fury and Emolga looked at me with her big eyes, concerned.
"Hope you're ready for Maxie, Emolga," I said, "Because it's time for ultimate payback."
"Emolgaaaa," she growled all tough-like.
I couldn't help but crack up a little. A few hours into this and we're already laughing to keep ourselves on our toes and ready for anyone.
A bunch of Magma Grunts are supposed to be around here so that means Angry Amy 0.1 is most likely to deploy at any moment.
Mt. Chimney was so huge, I could actually see it from all the way in the forest. Steven tugged at my arm and I looked at him.
"Keep ready," he whispered, "They could be here."
"Roger that captain," I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"I'm serious now Amy," he told me quietly, trying to contain his urgency, "Team Magma is awakening Groudon and you're taking this as a joke?!"
I took that all in and let it dig deep into my brain system. Was I taking it like a joke? I have no idea. But I do know one thing and it is to tuck some swear words in my mind (and a new one I learned from that professor guy that got robbed). Ya know. In case Maxie goes a little out of control.
"Okay guys, here we go," Cilan warned.
A ton of Grunts we're going around the area, patrolling the grounds and having arguments with each other.
I took in a deep breath and before Emolga can take any action, some guy went 'HEY! I KNOW YOU!' and ruined our sneak attack plan.
"Busted," Iris told us.
"What do we do?" Wally asked, freezing up as three people charged us from behind.
"We run," Cilan said simply.
The three dudes were now gaining on us and without thinking I threw myself sideways and rolled down the grassy hill, making a mad dash for it.
Steven grabbed Wally and Cilan, basically throwing them after me and grabbed Iris's wrist, putting an arm around her shoulder and jumping with her.
"Run! Run! Run!" I yelled back.
My team went POP out of their Pokéballs and they started to run the opposite direction we were headed and fender off the Magma Grunts. Maxie I'll be right back...just as soon as I 'exterminate' these pests.
Lucario used Bone Rush and the Mightyena that was chasing Cilan (who kicked and screamed more than I would have) and its head jerked backwards as the glowing bones slammed it from under the muzzle.
A Camerupt used a Rock Slide on us so I told Zeraora to use Close Combat and it slammed both its fists on the boulder.
Iris and Haxorus were too busy running all over the place and didn't have time to attack. The best way to lose them was to split up.
Emolga electrocuted a Grunt that almost had my arm in his clutch. He fell to the ground twitching and barfed all over the place. Oh my ew.
A fun fact about Team Magma is that their vomit could be dangerous. Wally always told me that a Magma barf could be smelled from a three mile radius. Anyways. Steven was for some reason coming out from behind me and we both got lost in the forest as the Magma Grunts chased us all around.
I was ready with my fists out. No Pokémon? Not a problem. No defense? No biggie. The feeling that my lungs are about to blow like sensitive paper bags? I can deal.
The fact that I have only my fists as defense? That does sound a little worrying. Steven grabbed my hand and he went off the path into a bunch of big trees. He tore through the forest like he knew the way—he probably did—and we crouched down next to a bunch of over gown bushes.
We could still hear our Pokémon in the distance, roaring and biting at our enemies. Houndoom let out a bark and a Golbat's scream went echoing through the area. When Houndoom bites, it isn't pretty.
"Safe, I think we're safe," Steven sighed.
I crouched down next to him and Emolga whimpered sadly. She was attached to Haxorus since he was there with her as an Axew from the very beginning.
"Scout Emolga," I nodded.
Emolga flapped around and then shot through the sky. Of course, you'd be thinking: "But Amy! Leaving your Pokémon behind is terrible! Why didn't you keep them close to you?!"
Well yes.
Absolutely right.
I'm an awful person. But I left them behind to protect the others. Except for Iris who can handle it all alone. But still...
They'll come around. My Pokémon are completely independent and they can handle anything. I trust them and so does Steven.
I backed away from the bush and sat with my back against the tree.
Steven sat down next to me and he sighed heavily. Yeah, the two of us knew that this split up strategy will end up being a bad, bad idea.
"Steven, why did we split up? We could have taken them on," I moaned, slamming my face against my knees in horrible despair.
"Don't worry, we'll know if they're okay or not. Your friends are nothing like any people I saw before," Steven smiled, "They'll be okay."
"Where are ya, PIGS!" Someone barked, "You wanna play hide and seek?"
I held my breath and Steven froze, pulling me close to him. I hope team Magma lost some brains over the years, I thought.
My adrenaline pumped against my veins and I slowly stood up, pressing my back against the tree. The Magma Grunt and his hungry, angry Houndour got closer.
Steven rolled aside and pressed his back against the tree next to me.
"Come out, come out wherever you—" his fist slammed against a tree right next to me and growled, "—ARE!"
I held my breath. Imma use mah bare fists on him if I had to. Steven held up three fingers and I nodded. In the count of three, we pounce.
The Grunt breathed heavily and the Houndour growled, sniffing us out. Steven held up a finger. One.
"You wanna play tag? Well looks like I'm it..." he said in a dangerous, gentle tone.
Steven lifted two fingers. Two. My heart was beating so fast, it barely shattered my ribs to bits and pieces as if I was going to become the world's largest bag of bones.
He punched my tree and I could have sworn I felt him breathe next to the trunk, making the hairs in the back of my neck stand on the edge.
"Okay piggies, time's up," he said in that dangerous whisper.
Steven waited and crouched down, grabbing a rock. Then, he lifted three fingers. Now I knew it was time. I feel bad for hurting people even if it was bad guys so I needed the operation of releasing Angry Amy. If I didn't, it'll be a problem.
Control Panel! Control Panel! Do you read?

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