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In the next few days, Sima family was frightened because the doctors went in and out and kept changing one after another. Even the top-grade medicines were changed everyday, but they still couldn’t cure ShangDe’s disease. 

    “Son, come and drink the medicine.” Yan Hong carefully held the medicines but he remained motionless, just staring at the tooth marks on the back of his hand and muttering to himself, ‘Sorry, I didn’t catch you’  -these words.

Yan Hong looked at her son and became frustrated. He would only say these words all day long. Her tears kept falling and she started crying beside his bed again. 

    Hong ZhengTian, who had just sent the doctor away and quickly walked to her side and coaxed softly, “Why are you crying again?” 

    “Brother Hong, what should I do? Why can this child became like this?” 

    “The doctor said his fracture was almost healed, but most likely would be heart disease, which naturally requires heart medicine.” Hong ZhengTian said helplessly and looked at ShangDe, who was looked lost on the bed. 

    “His heart medicine has disappeared. How can I find it?” Yan Hong was just as sad as her baby son and didn’t want to live. 

    Hong ZhengTian rushed to ShangDe’s side, shook him vigorously, and said loudly, “You are a grown up man! Cheer up! Even if you die, Ding Xiang will not come back. Do you understand?” 

    ShangDe still muttered, Yan Hong cried even harder when she heard it. 

When Hong ZhengTian couldn’t bear seeing his lover’s tears, his heart ached. He also couldn’t bear the appearance of ShangDe, who he treated like his own son. 

    “If I won’t wake you up from the bed today, I’ll follow your family name!” Hong ZhengTian beat a loud slap and printed five scary fingerprints on ShangDe’s face. 

    “You’re crazy! Why do you hit my son?” Yan Hong stop crying and holding Hong ZhengTian’s hand in the air. 

    “Let go, I want to wake him up.” 

    “You’re going to kill him! How dare you do that?” Yan Hong defended him. Her eyes were still red from crying.

    “He needs to wake up.” 


    “Yan Hong …” 

Just as the two were arguing, a sad voice suddenly called.

    “I want to die …” 

These three words stopped them two from dispute and they shouted at ShangDe on the bed at the same time. 


    “Don’t die!” 

    “But without Ding Xiang, I don’t want to live. How could I let her live in another world, waiting for me to save her, but I’m at a loss here…” 

    “Son, don’t blame yourself. You have tried your best. I believe Ding Xiang will not blame you.” Yan Hong quickly comforted him. 

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