Nerds Are The New Jocks (Yoshiki X Morishige)

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He was styling away on his laptop as usual. I just sat in my seat, staring at his nimble finger travel from key to key. Them pushing on specific buttons that would add together to make words. But I didn't care about all that, I cared about the boy who was typing. His name was Morishige

He looked over at me occasionally and just smiled. I smiler back wanting to do so much more. Ever since Mayu moved away, he's been acting differently. He is always quiet and never hangs out with anyone anymore.

I decided today I would comfort him. It is December and everyone needs someone this time of year. Thebbeel rang and he quickly out all of his stuff away, but beforbehe got a chance to run for the door ai stopped him.

"Hey Morishige, what's up?"

"Not much Kishinuma, not much. How about you?"

"Same old, same old. I gotta tell you something after school, meet me by the alley toward the back of the school" I said with a pleading look in my eyes.

"I.... I have...... Oh okay. But it better be quick, I have tons if homework to do" he said as he ran to be on time for his next class.

I had given up on school. I just used it as a place to see my friends. And the school board still wondered why I came to school.

I mindlessly went through the rest of the day. Without giving really anything a second thought. If you asked me what went on in Algebra 2, I couldn't tell you. All that matters was Morishige.

I raced to my locker to out my stuff away and get what I needed for tonight. Then walked toward the alley. When I got there I saw Morishige was already waiting. I smiled and just went in.

"So what's this big secret" he asked with a slight bit of annoyance.

I leaned in and just kissed him. My lips made contacts with his and boy were Hai soft. Mayu is missing out because this boy kissed back and started to use his tongue. I opened my mouth and my tongue danced with his fro domimace. Mine won and my tiny pink appendage explored all of his mouth.

His arms encircled me and I let them find their way around my waist. I slung my arms over his shoulder snad just looked dat each I the rbfor eh e initiated the next kiss. This was a deep and pationate kiss. We kept making out until he had a jump back to reality, and he said h had to go home.

I met him leave but knew he returned the feeling I had for for him. Thosbholifay season is going to be amamzing.

Aithor's Note: I am literally falling asleep since it is like midnight when I'm uploading this. So hopefully you like it and until next time, bye.


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