17. Supermarket Games

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'Hey, I have to go on a shopping trip for my mom. There's a lot of stuff to get and I know I'll be bored. Wanna come with? I'll make you some cookies in return.'

I read over the text from Connor once again, then drop my phone onto my bed and find Dad. Mom is currently asleep, which is quite a change of family dynamic considering Dad is the one that normally sleeps all day. Dad lounges on the couch watching tv.

"Hey Dad," I call his attention.

"Hey, kid. What's up?"

"Connor asked if I could hang out with him today, could I?"

Dad thinks for a second, glancing upstairs and to the room Mom is sleeping in, then looks back to me. "Sure, but be back before dinner."

"Thank you!" I quickly run around the couch and embrace him, then head back to my room and text back a yes. I then get changed and hear my phone buzz. I open up the text notification and read.

'Cool, meet me at the Bridgeport Diner. When we meet up we'll head to the supermarket. Bring a backpack or something... May have also invited you so someone can help me haul the groceries lol'.

I text back a reply, then put my trusty black sneakers on and grab my school backpack. I empty it out, shove my phone into my jean pocket along with my earbuds, then make my way outside.

It's nice out; the temperature is in the 60's, there's a few fluffy clouds in the sky, but the sun is uncovered and shines brightly against the outside world. I hear birds chirping and feel a slight breeze as trees rock back and forth. I plug my earbuds into the phone and start playing my go to band - Nirvana, of course -, then tuck my phone into my pocket, mount my bike, and begin to pedal to the Bridgeport Diner.

There's something special about solo bike rides. It's of course always fun to ride with friends through the desolate streets of a small town, like you and them are the only people there for miles... But... There's also something so serene about a bike ride with only yourself... There's nobody waiting for you to pedal fast enough for them, to start conversations, to fill the silence... You're allowed to get lost in your own thoughts and become stuck wandering in your own mind without anyone to interrupt.

When I pedal up to the diner, I see Connor leaning against the building. His phone in his right hand. The other hand is resting on his bike protectively, making sure it isn't taken... Although the protective nature is a bit unnecessary since nobody would try to steal his bike in Bridgeport, I'm sure it's mostly subconscious.

I approach him and slow down on my bike. He hears me coming and looks up from his phone, smiling upon seeing my face. I get off of the bike and greet him. "Hey!"

"Hey! I'm glad you came. Come on, we have multiple stops since there was a small change of plan."

"Yeah? Where else do we have to go?"

"Supermarket, then we have to drop by my mom's friends house to pick up a couple things. But I don't know how long that'll take. Does that work with you?"

"Yeah, as long as I'm home before dinner, I'm good," I show him a thumbs up and he grins.

"Cool, then let's go," Connor says. With that, he brushes some of his brown curls out of his eyes, then mounts his bike. I do the same to my bike and pedal in sync to the supermarket. We park our bikes in the bike rack once we get there, then head inside together in comfortable silence. Connor takes a paper from his pocket and unravels it as I grab a cart and roll it to him.

"Alright, here's the list. Wanna climb into the cart?" He hands the list to me and I scan over it. There's quite a few items listed.

"Would you mind pushing me around the supermarket?" I chuckle.

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