Chapter 28: Beginnings & Breakthroughs

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Shane's POV

Waking up at 6:30am had began to be a regular thing for me lately, ever since Allison had left. I was starting to think that I needed her around in order to keep myself sane. I was constantly sleeping really late at night and then waking up super early. I've been getting in trouble with my parents lately from talking back or not wanting to do what they tell me to do. I haven't spent time with my sisters lately, maybe it's because I'm always hiding out in my room.

Allison makes me want to try. She had a spell under me, I know it. I just wish I knew how to stop it, but I didn't. Do I even want it to stop?

Anyways, I shook my head in frustration with how I've been acting lately. I pulled my blanket over my head and tried really hard to go back to sleep, but of course it's impossible. The thought of Jordi telling me to cut TJ out of my life kept playing in my head.

Break things off with TI for good. I remember Jordi saying. Allison obviously feels threatened by her. I remembered when Jordi said that, I quickly thought it was a ridiculous fact because TJ had nothing over Allison. The thoughts played in my head a few more times, until I remembered Jordi had found the necklace I gave Allison on our fake anniversary date. I got out of bed and walked over to my desk.

I has kept the necklace inside a locked compartment for important things.just in case something would've happened to it. I took the necklace out and held it up to the light. When I held it up towards my window, I saw a shadow figure walk outside on the balcony. Curious of who that could possibly be this early in the morning, I peeked through the curtains of my window and saw Sarah sitting on the couch,looking out onto the ocean. I quietly opened my door making sure not to wake Stacy and sat next to her.

"Why are you awake?" Sarah asked eyes still glued to the beach.

"I've been waking up at 6 lately." I answered watching as the beach had her full attention.

"Is it because of." She trailed off this time her head was turned slightly, but still not facing me.

"Yeah." I whispered. "Allison makes me a better person." I added. This time she looked up at me and smiled shyly.

"You should've told her that." Sarah said.

"I'm working on a list of things to say to her." I grinned with a slight chuckle.

"Good." She said ignoring my laugh and looking back out at the ocean.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I'll get a chance to tell her." I said and when Sarah looked at me, I looked down and pretended I was upset.

"And why's that?" She questioned. Dang she really wants me with Alli.

"You remember the letters Ali wrote toall of us?" I recalled. Sarah nodded. "Alli said if I really do like her, then to stay out of her life." I stated.

"What!" Sarah shrieked. I then gestured for her to be quiet and she quickly covered her mouth.

"Yeah and then she pretty much admitted that she loved me." I said jokingly like it was meant as a joke, but Sarah's face expression told a different story.

"She said that?" Sarah cooed looking back at me giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"I think so." I shrugged my shoulders.

She quickly threw away her puppy dog eyes and gave me an 'are-you-serious' look. "Really?" She threw a death stare at me.

"What!" I defended conveying my face if she decided to hit me. "She didn't say the words exactly." I laughed slowly lowering my hands.

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