Chapter 14: Realize & Real Lies

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"Aren't you coming?" Sarah asked as she watched me laying in bed.

"I don't think so." I said dropping my phone. "It seems like a family day. Wouldn't want to intrude." I said sitting up, and right when Shane comes in.

Sarah looked at me then walked over to Shane, "Shane. Allison isn't coming." She complained.

"What. Why not?" He asked.

"You guys should spend time as a family. Just the family." I explained.

"Alli when you're here, you are part of the family." Shane countered.

"Look Allison, mom and dad are more than happy to have you here. And besides they told you to come." Sarah said.

"I know, but-"

"No buts. Alli get dressed." Shane interrupted.

"But ." I whined.

"If you don't want to get ready, that's fine. Ill just drag you to the car looking like that." Shane threatened.

"Ok. Ok. I'm getting ready." I threw my hands up in surrender.

I took a short shower and got dressed. For my outfit, I decided to wear distressed high waisted denim shorts, a loose cropped top and my black sandals. I threw my hair in a high ponytail, since it was really hot outside and I didn't want my neck to get hot. I decided to do a very light makeup since I didn't want it sweating off my face.

"Ready?" Sarah asked grabbing her bag.

"Yup." I smiled. "Let me just grab my bag." I said walking towards my bed and grabbing my bag then walked towards the door Sarah held open for me.

"I love you're outfit." Sarah said staring at my outfit. "I love how effortlessly casual you look, but still have that edgy cuteness." She described. I smiled in reply.

"Thanks. But I love you're style." I looked over her outfit. "I wish I was girly enough to rock a pink skater skirt." I said.

"No worries, I'll teach you." Sarah said attaching our arms together about to pass Shane's room when he opened his door, which stopped us in our position.

"Well excuse you two." Shane said trying to shove us away.

"Excuse us, but we were having a conversation." Sarah's sassiness came to play.

"Well, I'd like to hang out with my girlfriend." Shane put the emphasis on girlfriend then swinged his arm over my shoulder disconnecting me from Sarah.

Stacy opened her door, which stopped us from moving any forward.

"Shane, can you fix my shoelaces." Stacy held up her one shoe with tangled laces.

"Sure thing kiddo." Shane let go of me and took Stacy's shoe.

"Ha. She's mine." Sarah ran passed Shane pulling me with her. Since when am I cool enough to hangout with?

Sarah rushed me downstairs leaving Shane and Stacy behind.

"Okay, okay. I think we're safe." I joked pulling my arm back from Sarah.

"Haha, I just like to get on Shane's nerves." Sarah chuckled.

"Don't we all?" I giggled along with her.

"What are we laughing about?" Serena smiled.

"Oh, nothing. " I grinned.

"Oh really?" Her eyes narrowed to Sarah expressing a 'I-don't-believe-her' look.

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