Part 10

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-"Gezz I have to do everything and whereas he….just look at him, enjoying the sun bath with cucumber attached in his face" you murmured glaring at Jisung while washing his clothes. “Yahh I'm not doing this" you threw his pant on his face and went inside your house.

-"Oyee Y/N" he yelled your name and you slammed the front door running upstairs to your room. You looked at the wall where the clock was hanging. “Oh, it's time to get ready" you smiled walking towards your closet.

-You scanned it but found nothing to wear. “What am I going to wear?” you chewed your nails, thinking hard. “Ahh” you scratched your head in frustration and plopped on your bed. You looked to your right and saw the gift you prepared for Jungkook's sister.

“Hope she likes it"

-"Y/N Y/N" Jisung was shouting your name. “Ahh why?” you whined, lazily getting up from the bed. “Come outside. Jinae is here" he shouted again. “Jinae?” you walked downstairs towards the front door.

-"What are you doing here?” your eyes landed to Jungkook. “He insisted me to bring here" Jinae looked down. “Why?” your gaze was still at Jungkook. “For this" he showed the bag that he was holding.

 “For this" he showed the bag that he was holding

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-"What's inside that?” you asked. “You'll know it in a minute but first can you let us in?” he made a puppy eyes. “Oh? Umm okay" you were hesitating. As Jungkook followed you, Jinae was still outside looking down at her feet.

-"Aren't you coming with us?” you looked back at Jinae and she instantly raised her head in shock. “Come inside. Chingu (Friend)” you smiled. “What?” she gasped, eyes wide open. “Fast" you waved your hand signaling her to step inside the house and she happily ran towards you.

-"As you see my house is not a luxurious one. It's all made up of wood" you said walking upstairs, leading them to your room. “My room is also not that good" you giggled awkwardly. “I swear her room is too beautifully decorated” Jinae said to Jungkook.

-"Wait let me check it first” you stopped them and slowly peeked in your room. “You can come inside" you opened the door wide to let them in. “Woah, it’s really beautiful" Jungkook gasped. “Is it?” you clicked your tongue. “I really love this. Everything made up of woods” he was amazed.

-"I told you" Jinae giggled

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-"I told you" Jinae giggled. “Oh? You still have that picture” she pointed at the frame which was hanging in the wall. “Umm” you nodded. “Who are they?” Jungkook looked at Jinae. “That’s our childhood picture. Me, Y/N and Taehyung” she smiled.

-“We found a camera for the first time. You remember? And we fought with each other saying who will click the picture first" you laughed while you were having flashback. “Then your grandpa scolded and took a picture of us. Do you remember how Jisung cried when he couldn't be in this picture” Jinae laughed.

-"What Jisung? Jisung what?” you looked to your door and saw Jisung holding a tray with three wooden mug. “Jisung-ah, we were talking about that" you laughed pointing at the frame. “Gezz I don't even want to remember that" he rolled his eyes.

-"Who told you to play around with other kids" Jinae mocked him. “Stop it" he glared at Jinae. “I won't" she stick out her tongue and then your eyes dashed towards Jungkook who was in verge of tears.

-"Jungkook-ah" you called him. “Hmm” he sniffed blinking his tears away. “Is everything alright?” you asked. “Yeah” he nodded. “We are sorry if you felt left out" you were apologetic. “Aniyo (No) I just remembered my childhood friends" he shook his head. “Have a seat human” Jisung handed him a mug of tea.

-"Thank you hyung” Jungkook held the mug. “Hyung? Did you just call me hyung?” Jisung widened his eyes. “Here we go again" you sighed covering your face with your palm. “Please don't mind him. He gets dramatic when someone calls him hyung" you added.

-"Jisung will bring snacks for you" he happily went out from your room, placing the tray on the table. “Oh? Take this" Jungkook came towards you handing the bag. “What's inside?” you looked at him. “Have a look" he smiled and you peeked inside the bag.

-"I can't take this" you shook your head repeatedly

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-"I can't take this" you shook your head repeatedly. “Oh come on Y/N. For him? Please?” Jinae whined. “No-“ “Please" Jungkook looked at you with pleading eyes.

“Don't do this"

-"Okay" you sighed closing your eyes, and instantly Jungkook's lips curved into a smile. “Get out" you looked at Jungkook. “Huh?” he widened his eyes. “I have to wear it naa" you said. “Ahh okay okay" he nodded and walked out with Jinae. “This doesn't look that bad on me" you smiled looking yourself in the mirror.

-"Y/N are you done? Or do you need any help?” Jungkook knocked the door. “You may come in" you shouted. “Woah" Jungkook's jaw dropped when he saw you in the outfit that he bought. “You look beautiful” Jinae's mouth was half opened. “What's going on here?” Jisung entered your room.

-"How can she look this pretty” he gasped dropping the snack he was holding, and you awkwardly made your skirt

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-"How can she look this pretty” he gasped dropping the snack he was holding, and you awkwardly made your skirt. Then Jinae said something in Jungkook's ear. “Hmm? What are you doing?” you glared at them. “Nothing” they smiled.

“Did I hear it right? Jungkook are you really going to"

 “Did I hear it right? Jungkook are you really going to"

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