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Hey, I'm Virgil. I'm what known as an author. I control the life of someone in a universe. Usually theres only one author for a universe, but because I'm still in training, I'm paired up with two other guys my age. We have to work together to coordinate our stories and people. Unfortunately, the people we narrate have somewhat of a free will, so we just map out major plot points. It's kinda fun sometimes. Messing with my ch-

"I swear, if you refer to me as your character again I am leaving your book!" Roman huffed, "now will you keep the internal monologue down? I'm trying to do my homework."

Okay, first off, it's not a book, it's a universe- Princey rolled his eyes- and secondly, you're gonna fail that worksheet anyway.

Roman groaned, "why couldn't you have written me with more math skills?"

Not my choice dude. I didn't create you. I was just assigned to you.

"Yeah yeah, I've heard it all before." Roman sighed, leaning back in his desk chair.

I heard footsteps outside my room and rolled my eyes.

"Hello Janus." I sighed, "when is Remus bursting in and should I warn Roman?"

Janus sighed heavily, "I'd say right about-"

"ROMAN!" Remus yelled, throwing his brothers door open and jumping on the bed.

Roman scoffed, "what do you need?"

Remus pouted, "I'll have you know that I dont always need something from you and I can just pay my brother a visit."

Roman gave him a look that made me snort.

"But-" Remus continued, "I ran out of canvas and I need to vent paint."

Roman rolled his eyes, getting up and grabbing one of the empty canvases scattered around his room.

"Here." Roman said, "and if you do want to talk things through, I'll be here."

Remus gave his brother a genuine smile, "thanks Ro."

"No problem, now get out." Roman said.

Remus stuck his tongue out as Roman pushed him out of their room.

Janus sighed, "I guess this is my cue to leave."

"Yup." I agreed, shooing him out.

Janus rolled his eyes as he left. I sighed and turned my attention back to Roman.

My room was weird. It's kinda like the holodeck from Star Trek, but it shows Roman's world while I kinda just float over him at a desk.

"What color is the desk?" Roman asked.

The most disgusting color. White.

Roman laughed, "you sound like an emo."

I laughed. Sometimes I forget you cant see me.

"Why would I want to see you?" Roman chucked.

Oh... yeah, right. You know, I forgot to do something earlier, I'll...be back soon.

Roman nodded, confused, "um, okay?"

I quickly got up, exiting the viewing mode of my room and turning it back to a normal room. Sighing, I flopped back on my black and purple bed. I know Roman's was just joking, but that hit a sore spot.

I heard a knock at my door. That has to be Logan. No one else knocks except Thomas and he only visits once a month to check in on us.

"Come in." I sighed.

Logan opened the door, "Salutations Virgil, I would like to inform you that Patton plans on visiting Roman soon."

"Alright." I replied.

"Are you feeling alright?" Logan asked, "do you need to visit the infirmary?"

"I'm fine." I sighed.

Logan gave me a look, "okay, just know that your health is important."

I nodded. Logan nodded back and walked out.

Slowly, I rolled off my bed and went back to the desk. My room shifted to an overview of Roman's room.

Sup Princey. I chuckled as Roman nearly fell off his chair in shock.

"Rude!" Roman huffed.

Yeah yeah. I rolled my eyes. Someone knocked on the door and Logan appeared at his own desk. I nodded to him.

"Roman!" Patton squealed.

"Hey Patton!" Roman laughed, "come on in, I have everything we need for our project."

"Awesome!" Patton said.

I looked to Logan, "so what grade should they get?"

Logan shrugged, "while I would prefer for them to have an A, the average of their current grades would dictate that they should get a B- on this project, as to not seem too strange."

I rolled my eyes, "but that means I have to help Roman a lot and that's so much work."

Logan gave me a look.

"Fine, I'll help." I groaned, hitting my head on my desk, "what was the project on?"

Logan sighed, "it's about light waves Virgil. The refraction of light that makes the rainbow?"

"Oh yeah." I nodded.

Hey Princey, you should get a good grade on this, its about rainbows.

Roman chuckled.

"What's so funny Ro-Ro?" Patton asked.

"Oh, I was just thinking that we should get a good grade cause we're gay." Roman laughed.

Logan sighed heavily as Patton laughed.

"I'm going to get us some snacks to get away from these puns." Logan said, "would you like anything?"

I shrugged, "just some Gatorade or something."

"Will do." Logan nodded, "please keep everything in check."

"Yup." I gave Logan a two fingers salute as he walked out of his room and disappeared from my vision.

I sighed, watching the two boys work on their project. Their universe is so strange. They dont write anyone's life and they dont watch over people. And their school is so weird! Like, who needs to learn math when you live in a world of writing?

But oddly enough, I often find myself wondering if I could live in that world. The world I watched Roman grow up in since he was ten. Since we were ten. Man, six years go by quick.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Logan placing a plastic bottle on my desk.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"It was of no consequence to me." Logan said, "however you should eat more. And just... get outside in general."

"You see, I would?" I took a sip of my drink, "but my anxiety is like, nah."

Logan sighed, "maybe you should talk to someone about that."

I shrugged, "I'm fine."

"Bye Ro-Ro!" Patton waved as he left Roman's room.

"Bye Patt!" Roman waved.

"Well, I'll see you later Virgil." Logan said.

"Yeah." I nodded as Logan faded out.

I sighed.

"You okay Virge?" Roman asked.

...I'm fine.

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