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I stared at my door from my bed. I hadn't left my room in how long? Come on Virge, I can do it.

I groaned, flopping back on my bed, "nope. I'm living the rest of my life in my room."

My phone dinged.

Snek- I can hear your brooding from my room. Just do it before I drag you out of your room.

"Fuck you Jan!" I yelled.

"No thanks! I'm ace!" Janus shouted back.

I groaned into my pillow. Why cant I just cease to exist?

Logan knocked on my door, "Virgil, please tone down the internal monologue, you might worry Roman."

"Yeah, that not gonna happen." I sighed.

"Well, if anything, please join me and Janus for lunch today?" Logan asked, "it's been a few weeks since we all talked."

I groaned, "fine."

"Thank you." Logan said, walking away.

I rolled off my bed, deciding to check on Roman.

He was watching a show called Supernatural. The episode French Mistake.

Roman sighed, "Greetings Virgil."

Sup Princey.

"You okay?" Roman asked, "you sound... off?"

I'm fine. Just checking in before I leave for I bit.

"What do you mean, leave?" Roman said, "you always say that but I never understand where you go."

Well, in my universe everyone has a person that they write stories for-

"Yes, I know that." Roman rolled his eyes.

Just let me continue.

So, everyone has their own house and stuff and in their room they have a desk. The desk is where we watch over you and make the big life decisions and shit.

I'm still on training, so I live with two other trainees that also have people in your universe.

"You mean there's others like me!?" Roman gasped, "who are they!? Can I-"

No. It's against the rules.

Roman sighed, "fine."

Anyway, I hardly ever leave my room and my roommates have convinced me to eat lunch with them. Probably used black magic.

"Wait theres magic in your universe!?" Roman smiled widely.

No, it was just a joke Roman. The only magic we have here is the ability to write people's lives. And that's not even considered magic here.

"Your universe sounds so cool." Roman sighed.

Yeah yeah.

"Hey Virge?" Roman asked after a beat of silence, "when you said you were a trainee, does that mean you age slower than people in my universe?"


"Then what happens when you're not a trainee anymore?" Roman asked.

We get moved to a different person and a new trainee takes over.

"Oh..." Roman said, "so... one day you'll just... disappear from my life?"

I guess. Why do you seem so upset about it?

"What? I'm... not upset!" Roman huffed.


There was a knock at my door.

I gotta go Princey. See you later.

I got up and the scene shifted back to my room. The knocks came again.

"I'll be there in a second!" I yelled, making my way to my door.

"Salutations Virgil. Lunch is ready." Logan said as I opened the door.

I nodded, following Logan to the kitchen. It's funny how I felt out of place in my own house.

"Virgil, so nice to see you out." Janus smiled.

"Shut up Jan." I groaned.

"Be nice." Logan gave us a pointed glare.

"Yes mum." Janus and I mumbled at the same time.

Logan sighed heavily, "just behave yourselves. Thomas is visiting us."

"Wow, have I been holed up in my room for that long?" I smirked.

"No." Janus said, "Logan, why is Thomas visiting us today."

"I dont know." Logan admitted, "but it has to be important so be on your best behavior."

The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Logan said.

I bit my thumbnail anxiously.

"Virgil, calm down." Janus told me, "it will be okay."

"Okay!?" I scoffed, "Thomas is coming at an unscheduled time! Something is obviously not okay!"

"God, you never listen to me!" Janus huffed.

"Yeah, well maybe that's cause you always lie!" I yelled.

"You take that back!" Janus slammed his hands on the table.

"No! Its true!" I shouted.

"You want truth? You're not even a good author!" Janus yelled back.

I froze.

"You know what?" I let out a small laugh, "fuck this. Fuck you! Fuck writing! Fuck everything!"

I stood from the table, pushing past a shocked Thomas and Logan to get back to my room.

When I was in my room, I slammed my door shut and locked it. I threw myself onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

I heard someone knock on my door.

"Virgil? I'm sorry, I didnt mean what I said." Janus sighed.

I scoffed, but didnt respond.

"Let's leave him be for a while." Thomas said, "I'll come back tomorrow."

I heard the three of them walk away.

I sighed. I should probably check on Roman. I sat at my desk and everything changed.


Roman jumped, "oh, hey Virge! How wat the lunch?"


"Not good huh?" Roman grimaced.

I wish I was in your universe.

"Why?" Roman asked, "my universe sucks compared to what you me told me about yours."

It's not that great. I'm not even a good writer.

"But you're writing my story and it's been pretty nice." Roman said.

That's only cause I've been in collaboration with other authors.

Roman shrugged, "I think you're a good writer."

... Thanks...

I'm gonna leave now. I have some stuff to do.

"Okay, talk to you soon Virge." Roman smiled.

I stood from my desk and flopped on my bed. I wish I could be in Roman's world. Maybe there was a way to do that.

I walked over to my desk, opening the one drawer it had. Inside was a worn leather book with gold writing spelling the name 'Roman'.

I carefully picked up the book and grabbed a pencil that was scattered on my floor. I flipped the book open and began to write.

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