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Thomas lead the boys into his office, collecting all the books along the way.

"Now," Thomas started, setting the three books on his desk, "I know I came off as kind of... well an a-hole earlier. But, universe jumping is very dangerous, with deathly consequences. That's why Virgil got so sick."

"Oh..." Virgil whispered.

"You mean, we could have died." Janus' eyes went wide.

"Yes." Thomas nodded.

didnt anyone tell us this at the academy?" Logan asked.

"Because who would jump into their own story!?" Thomas exclaimed, "sure its probably better, or more exciting, or easier to fine love and- yeah I can totally see the appeal..."

Roman and Remus snorted.

"So what happens now?" Patton asked.

"Well first I'm going to add that to the curriculum." Thomas muttered to himself. But then you all have to do something."

"What thing?" Remus asked, tilting his head like a lost puppy.

I smirked. You all have to make a choice.

Everyone except Thomas jumped.

"Who was that!?" Virgil yelled.

Hi. I'm the author of this story. It's gotten really meta.

"Fascinating!" Logan's eyes widened, "so there are layer apon layers of author multiverses!"

Thomas chuckled, "yes Logan. But now to your choice. You can either stay in seperate universes, or the author can write you into these-" Thomas gestured to the books on the desk, "-books to live there permanently."

"Yes!" Virgil jumped up, "I want to stay with Roman!"

"Remus has become the most important person to me." Janus stood, "I'm not leaving him."

Everyone looked to Logan.

"Obviously I'm staying with Patton." Logan rolled his eyes, taking Patton's hand, "what kind of boyfriend do you think I am?"

Theres one condition.

"Oh great." Roman groaned.

All the authors loose their memory of being authors. In their place will be memories of the other world and another family. Are you okay with that?

The authors seemed to hesitate, then nodded.

I smiled. Alright.

Three new books appeared on Thomas' desk. Each one had a name printed on the dark leather binding. Virgil. Logan. Janus.

Are you ready?

"Of course." Virgil chuckled, "this is my story."

"This is our story." Roman smiled.

"Its everyone's story!" Patton giggled.

Alright then. Let's start again.

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