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I woke up on something soft, hoping it wasnt all a dream.

Then someone grabbed me.

I couldn't see who it was, so I started struggling. What made me even more panicked is that I was in Roman's room. Alone.

"Will you open the portal already!" The one holding me hissed.

"Its not working!" The other yelled.

"What do you mean it's not working!?"

I kicked over a Roman's lamp, making a loud crash on the floor.

"Hurry the hell up!"

"I'm trying!"

The door flung open to reveal Roman.

"What the hell is happening!?" Roman yelled, grabbing his sword off the wall, "unhand him!"

I was dropped to the ground and scrambled back. Then I recognized the two.

"Logan? Janus?" I stood up, "what the hell are you doing!?"

"We're trying to take you back." Logan said.

"By fucking kidnapping me!?" I screamed.

"Virgil, it's not like that-" Janus started.

I scoffed, "like hell it isnt!"

"We saw that you were stuck here and wanted to help." Logan sighed.

"Well maybe I want to stay here! Ever think of that!?" I yelled.

"Okay," Roman stepped between us, "what's happening? Are these two Remus and Patton's authors?"

"You told him!?" Janus shouted.

"No! Patton did." I crossed me arms.

Janus rounded on Logan, "YOU TOLD PATTON!?"

"In my defense, his cuteness is powerful." Logan sighed.

Roman and I looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

Janus sighed, "Okay! Well we're all stuck here, so what now?"

"I have an idea." I smiled, "how about you... leave me the hell alone?"

"They wont have anywhere to stay." Patton said, making everyone jump, "Logan? Is that really you?"

Logans cheeks dusted pink, "it is indeed me."

Patton smiled brightly and hugged the author, "you look just like I imagined you would!"

Janus sighed, "you're right. Patton is undeniably adorable."

"So are you." Remus smiled, somehow right by Janus.

"Jesus christ superstar!" Janus screamed, jumping a mile out of his skin, "when did you get here!?"

"I was here the whole time!" Remus grinned.

"Then why didnt you try and save me!?" I growled.

"These guys couldn't steal a piece of garbage from an abandoned dumpster." Remus raised an eyebrow.

"We take offense to that." Janus crossed his arms.

"You take offense to that." Logan corrected, "I cannot be offended."

"Sure." Patton and I chimed at the same time.

"So, what's stopping you two from going back to your world?" Roman asked.

"Someone didn't open the portal properly!" Janus glared at Logan.

"I opened it properly, it just didnt work!" Logan yelled back.

"Then you must have done something wrong!" Janus shouted.

"Guys!" I yelled, making everyone quiet, "theres no authors in this world. Nothing we write will happen. Theres no power here."

Logans eyes went wide.

"So... we're stuck here..." Janus whispered.

"This is why we should have waited for Thomas." Logan sighed.

"Or you could have just left me alone." I growled.

"Virge, they were just trying to help." Patton said.

"Well I didnt want them to help!" I yelled, "so why dont they just get out and wait for Thomas to come get them!"

"Virgil, we dont have anywhere to go." Janus said.

"I dont care!" I screamed.

"Virge, just calm down." Roman went to hug me.

I pushed him away, "I am calm!"

"Come on. We're leaving." Roman said, pulling me out of the room.

"Good." I growled.

(Remus' POV)

I watched as Virgil stormed out with Roman and couldn't help but feel lost. Everything about this situation was so confusing.

Logan sighed, "I'm going to go think of a plan."

"I'll come too." Patton said, following Logan out of the room.

Which just left me and Janus.

Janus sighed and layed down on Roman's bed, "So..."

"So." I sighed laying down with him, my head on his stomach, "you're different than I thought you'd look like."

"A good different or a bad different?" Janus asked.

I shrugged, "not sure. I didnt have a clear image of a human talking to me."

Janus chuckled, "then what did you imagine?"

"I dont know." I hummed, "like, some sort of demon or... an angel or something."

Janus smiled, "No, we're just ordinary humans like you."

"Ordinary isn't the word I'd use." I mumbled.

"Why is that?" Janus asked.

"You're so cool and smart! You write stories that literally are people's lives!" I exclaimed, "and I'm... just stupid. I dont understand any of this multi-universe shit like Patton. I'm not cool like Roman. I'm just..."

"Imaginative? Spontaneous? Unafraid?" Janus threw out.

"No..." I sighed, "I'm none of that."

"Yes you are." Janus said, "I know you are."

I frowned, "yeah."

Janus sighed, "Remus, I've watched you since we were ten. I consider you my best friend. The one I can confide in."

"I know." I said, "but for the longest time I thought... maybe... you weren't real and I was just crazy."

"I can understand that." Janus hummed, "No one thought I would get to write someone's big life story. But I've been working hard on it. Someday I will."

"Someday?" I asked.

"Yeah." Janus smiled, "someday I'll write a famous actor or a trillionaire!"

"So... you'll just leave one day?" I felt my heart break at his answer.


I sighed and sat up, "I'm gonna go for a walk."

Janus sat up as well, "Do you want me to-"

"No." I cut him off, "I want to be alone."

I walked away before he could say anything else.

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