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Katie woke up the next morning finding herself curled up beside green. She got up and pet him kissing him on the forehead. "I'm sorry bud but it's about time I go..." she murmured, He lifted his head giving her a small lick on the cheek. Well a huge lick considering his size.

She got into the pod looking behind her one last seemed they weren't coming. She had told them that if they wanted to come to meet her at a certain time in the hangar. It seems they weren't interested. She didn't blame them they had just seen their planet in shambles yesterday. It was heart breaking but she needed to do SOMETHING.

She asked Coran to open the Hangar door and without a second thought she flew out of the castle waving goodbye to Green one last time. As she entered Earths Atmosphere she turned on an invisibility Cloak she had added and landed in the mountains, everything was rock and sand. She exited the pod making sure it was well hidden and began to walk towards this so called "garrison."

About an hour passed and she finally made it to the school, before entering however she used her powers to shorten her hair and make her chest smaller in order to look like a boy. Once in she headed to the 'office.' She had hacked into their files and made it look like she was a new student so they wouldn't be suspicious.

"Sir Iverson?" Katie knocked on the door.

"Come in." A gruff voice from behind the door responded.

She entered the office gently closing the door behind her. "Hello sir, I'm a new student here my names Pidge Gunderson." She said shaking his hand in greeting while making her voice sound a bit deeper than it actually was.

He went into his computer searching for 'Pidge Gunderson' in his files. "Ah yes—Pidge Gunderson here ya are. You'll be staying in Room 1-B with Cadets Lance, Hunk and unfortunately Keith." He spat the last name as if it were poison.

She tilted her head slightly "Unfortunately?" She questioned raising a brow.

"He's a trouble maker, starts fights and what not. If he messes with ya just let me know I've been waitin for a chance to get rid of that bad seed." He muttered. He got up and picked up a Uniform from close by. "Here Cadet this is what you'll be wearin from now on." He said firmly passing her the clothes.

"Thank you sir." She nodded saluting him before turning around and walking out of the office. 'Keith' huh' she thought to herself curious as to why this teacher hated him so damn much. She slipped into the bathroom swiftly changing into her new Uniform and quickly slipping back out. She used her digital computer to map the school and found the quickest route to her new Room.

She used her key card to open the door, 'this is ancient technology' she laughed quietly rolling her eyes. As soon as the door opened she spotted three boys two of them who were arguing...those two were also....shirtless.

She shook off the blush that quickly arose to her cheeks and took out her digital computer once more scanning each of them before they noticed her. 'Keith, Lance, Hunk.' She made a mental note of which was which.

She quietly made her way to the only open bunk, it was the bottom one and she assumed Keith had the one above seeing as he and Lance couldn't get along from what she was currently witnessing. She put her stuff down unpacking what little she had. Keith and Lance were still arguing while Hunk tried desperately to stop them.

She got a bit sick of all their arguing and finally muttered "Lance unless you want to get demoted I recommend you back off, and Keith if you start another fight Sir Iverson is just going to Jump at the chance to Expel you."

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