Mine to have, mine to hold, and mine to take.

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She's my Momma 02

Tired was an understatement of how Happy felt right now. All of a sudden a beautiful aroma entered his nostrils, fish; the smell of fish occupied his nose and mind. Seconds later realization crept unto Happy's mind, he was at the Guild hall.

Happy bolted up awake whipping his head around searching for a blonde celestial mage, although he was looking around he never really look back at who took him here. Tears were now slowly streaming down his furry cheeks, sprouting his wings out he tried to fly out.

But alas, he found himself not moving at all, something or someone was preventing him from flying. As happy was panicking, the person who has her arms on Happy began to question his odd behavior.

"Let me go, please let me go" Happy cried out, gaining some attention at their fellow Guild mates.

"Happy?" she called his name.

Happy stop at trying to fly away, how he wanted that person be his mom that called him. Slowly turning his head around, he was met by no other than the white-haired woman.

"Lisanna" Happy stated, shock was written all over his face.

A lot of why's now flashed through his mind, trying to know why he was on her arms. But to no avail, not a single letter came out of his mouth; he was like a gaping fish. Lisanna smiled at her adoptive son, trying to calm him down. Much to her liking, what the feline said ached her heart a bit.

"Let me go" 3 words, 3 words that could really hurt a person's feelings.

Lisanna was stunned for a moment, but then composed herself for her son's sake. She smiled at him, trying to ease Happy that whatever he wants he will get.

"Where do you want to go? Shall I come with?" she asks politely, standing up ready to move.

"Just please let me go... Please" his voice cracked and quivered, trying to hold the tears that were threatening to fall.

Smiling sadly at the little feline in her arms, she nodded and let him go. Watching him dashed towards the infirmary, he was off to see Lucy her conscious said. The pained look on the take-over mage made some of the guild mates pity the poor girl.

They all know how that white-haired took woman care of the little guy when he was still an egg. They all know the story of the little Dragneel Family, but would that family still be the one family years ago? While they all know the story of Lisanna, Happy and Natsu's little family, they also know how Lucy patched their little hearts when Lisanna died years ago.

Lucy was there when they both needed them, she was there when both were sick or hungry, she was there when they were happy, sad, or angry. Lucy mended their broken hearts, but now Lisanna was here. Lisanna can become Happy's mother once again, so why did he want her to let him go?

Happy was now patched up on Lucy's bed, all crawled up and snoozing off by his mother's side. A feeling of content swarmed his heart, but one question still remained by his mind though, Why was he in Lisanna's arms? that question though remained unanswered.

Hours later as the sun slowly sets, the blonde stirred and slowly opened her eyes, chocolate-brown eyes met the white ceiling of the guild's infirmary. Sighing she let out a handful of breathe, slowly sitting up she didn't notice the blue furred exceed by her side, not until she look down and spotted him.

She's My Momma *NaLu*Where stories live. Discover now