I should have known to not let you go all on your own.

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She's my Momma 08

Days have passed and gone, it was finally the day team Natsu, Wendy, Levy and the rest of the Fairy Tail mages dreaded. It was finally the day where they will a hold memorial service for their lost comrade, the sun didn't shine nor is it good. Gray skies invaded the whole Fiore, and as soon as the clock stroked five at the morning the rain poured down.

The funeral is being held at the Magnolia Cathedral, mages from different kinds of Guilds came with solemn expressions to pay respect to the fallen fairy. The mass is to start at one in the afternoon, but of course some guild mates didn't even dare show up at the guild and one to be exact were Natsu and Happy.

The duo was at Lucy's apartment grieving the most and neither of them was moving, both have the expression of being lost. If anyone would dare look them in the eyes they'd somehow could feel the despair inside them, they were both laying down at Lucy's carpet.

Not saying anything but breathing, they were just so lost in grieving that they somehow couldn't dare move. And that wasn't all, they both haven't eaten properly. They somehow couldn't find an appetite to eat, they have gotten quite thin and eye bags dance under their eyes.

Slowly and suddenly Lucy's door crept open making a noise of creak, it was the Master with Levy that came in, and Natsu knew what and why they were here for. Slowly the expected visitors came in and plod their way towards the quiet duo.

"Natsu, Happy, it's time" Macarov solemnly said at the two, his voice soft yet at the same time firm.

Natsu and Happy gradually turn their head towards the Master, both is having no expression in their face. They didn't said a thing but with that one look Levy again began to shed tears, she cannot help it she knows the feeling those two are in, but she knows theirs were deeper than her own.

"Come to the cathedral before one, you two must be there for her sake" Macarov ended and trudge their way out the room, leaving the two to think and decide.

"For her sake" Natsu whispered closing his eyes.

He sighs not knowing what to do he never really did felt this lost before not even when Igneel left, or when Igneel died. Yeah he cried, he mourned and grieved but not like this, now all he felt was numb and hollowness. As if he does not have a heart to feel, as if all his sense disappeared and as if he was no longer human being, he sighs.

Happy looked at his father not really knowing what to do, say, think or move. He literally does not know what to do; now that his mother wasn't there for them what are they going to do? As Happy closed his eyes the picture of her mother, him and his father flashed through his mind.

Then he cried he thought he has no more tears to cry guess he was wrong, he was now sobbing his heart out again. A couple of seconds ago all he felt was numbness, and now? He was again a sobbing mess well who could really complain, he lost his mother for Mavis' sake.

As the clock drag on it was finally time to go, Natsu and Happy reluctantly moved from their spot. They were both now on their way out the house when Lucy's landlady came in wearing one of Lucy's blouse.

"Landlady" Natsu muttered looking at the woman who was now in front of him, his face empty of emotion but his eyes raged with despair and sadness.

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