Chapter 2

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Violet found herself looking forward to Leon's infrequent letters as she tried to move on with her life. He had found a group of fellow explorers who accepted him and didn't make him feel judged. He had forgiven his parents for leaving him and decided to move on with his life and she began to wonder if that's what she was supposed to do.

His letters never did come on a schedule. Sometimes they would only be days apart as he just had to tell her about the wild animals that they encountered or the weather that seemed to make their expeditions longer. There were times when it would be just over two weeks before the letter came, delayed by weather or something like that.

She was away for awhile on an assignment. A month passed and she returned from writing letters for a dying mother to her daughter for the future they wouldn't have together. Her friend and coworker, Iris, walked with her to her bedroom as she couldn't stop crying. After helping Violet to her bed Iris got up to leave. Her voice was kind and low. "I'm going to grab you something to eat. I'll be right back."

Violet gripped her pillow as the tears she had been holding in during her assignment kept flowing. When iris returned she was still shuttering from all the crying but ate the food. "Have any letter come from Leon for me?" She asked after whipping away the crumbs from her face.

Iris shifted and looked uncomfortable as she answered. "Nope."

Violets eyebrows lowered. The last letter had said that they would be heading up the mountain the day after he sent the letter, which meant it had been about a month. in his letter he said that the climb would only take five days based off of their plans and the information from locals. She felt a sense of dread at the fact that she didn't hear from him in so long. She sent a letter to his mailbox, and one to the hospital closet to the mountain he said he'd be climbing.

The days she spent waiting made her feel like a caged animal, helpless and unable to do anything. So when she heard the president talking about a commission for a soldier fighting in rebel territory she welcomed the distraction from thinking of both Gilbert and Leon's whereabouts.

Taking that job felt like such a big mistake to violet when, after personally delivering the letters from the soldier that passed away practically in her arms, she end up running into Dietfried Bougainvillea. However, when her prescribed saved the lives of her friends, Benedict and Cattleya, along with the peace treaty that ended the war, she started to realize that she no longer a tool to be commanded. Dietfried did a thorough job testing her during the attack on the train.

When she returned and there was still no word from Leon she hardly noticed the lecture she got from the entire team at the CH Postal Service company for taking the job in the middle of rebel attacks.

Dietfried's summons and introduction to his and the Major's mother released her from the burden of failing Gilbert Bougainvillea. It was also the catalyst for her deciding that she would no longer need commands to act ever again. When she returned to work she asked that there be a stop to receiving new requests. As soon as she fulfilled what was already waiting for her she was going to find out what happened to Leon.

This was it. The last request for Violet Evergarden before she went off to find out what happened to her friend. It was a hot summer day, sweat had already covered the back of her neck as she walked along the path, on one side a field of grass being pushed by the wind and making a brushing sound that reminded her of brushing her hair. On the other side was a large calm lake, reflecting her determined stride. Until she turned to the small white cottage.

Her head was bowed as she heard the sound of crutches and a step approach the door. When it opened she began. "It is a pleasure to meet you. If it is your wish, I will travel anywhere to meet your request." She began to lift her head and eyes. "I am auto memories doll—" and upon recognizing his face she paused. Her name came out full of emotional joy as she looked into his surprised pale blue eyes.

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