Chapter 27

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He stood there and watched as he slid his hands into his pockets. When their car disappeared from his view he let his head fall back, a smile on his face as the remnants of his blush still lingered. "Oh Georgiana, what am I doing?" He asked out loud. Even as he walked back to his hotel the blush remained, slight, but he could still feel the heat in his cheeks as he called his manager and worked out the details to make his appearance the next day and all of his future appearances have sign language interpreters and be accessible for any guests who may have physical handicaps.

By the time he had finished the call he only had fifteen minutes to change into something not covered in the dirt from crawling next to Aster earlier. He changed quickly into a light grey suit and jacket and a new white shirt before running down to the restaurant to meet Kyle.

Kyle was a few minutes late, something to do with helping Iberis with their first child, Forrest, and a much needed bath for the four year old little boy who was the spitting image of his father. "Thanks again for waiting for me. Iberis hasn't been feeling well these last few days, so I've been trying to help more with Forrest, which I absolutely love." He smiles genuinely. He really does love being a father.

They caught up throughout the meal. Leon told his friend about his little run in with Violet and Aster, which Kyle responded to with a full bellied laugh before speaking. "That sounds like classic Aster. She's a bit of a wild child at times." Kyle showed off a couple of photos of his little family. When he showed one of Forrest's third birthday party with Aster and Violet in the photo as Forrest blew out his candles Leon asked if he could hold that one and Kyle gladly handed it to his friend. "He's a handsome little devil, isn't he?" He asks with a cheesy grin.

Leon laughs. "Oh yeah, a strapping young lad indeed." He wasn't looking at the birthday boy in the photo though, he was looking at the Bougainvillea women.

When Kyle noticed the concerned look in his friend's face he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled an envelope out of his inside jacket pocket as he spoke in a warm and friendly tone. "He got to meet her before he died. He held on for three months after she was born." Leon felt a lump forming in his throat as he listened to his friend. "Actually, Violet and Aster are sort of why I asked to meet you for dinner when I heard that you were coming to town. I have this for you." Kyle hands him the envelope. "Gilbert said if you ever came back to Leiden, and if a few other criteria were in place when you did, then I should give you this, buy your dinner with the money he gave me to do so with, and leave you alone to read it's contents."

Kyle stood up and put his coat on with a smile. "I've got a wife to get back to and pretend like I don't know already that she's pregnant. I'll see you tomorrow buddy."

Leon went to his hotel room and sat at the desk against a window that looked out into the city. He sat there holding the letter and staring at his handwritten name. He nervously opened it and began to read.

"Dear Leon,

By the time you read this I will probably have been gone for some time. I'm just hoping this letter does get to you because I know you love her. I've known for awhile.

Shortly after we were married Violet told me about your letter. She even offered to let me read it. I didn't need to read it. I already know what it feels like to be in love with her. I already know what it feels like to lose her.

It wasn't until Kyle's wedding, watching the way you to interacted, they way she got up when you mentioned your upcoming trek up the mountain, that the thought occurred to me that she might also be in love with you. I can't even begin to understand how much love that woman has in her now that she knows what it is.

As this letter is being written, I am sitting by the fire holding my newborn little girl, Aster. She's a miracle. The doctors are pretty sure that the fever had shortly after her birth stole her hearing, you should see the way her baby blue eyes light up though when we take her outside to see the night sky. She's only a month old right now, but she's going to grow up fast, and she's going to need to see how a man should love his wife.

If I'm wrong, burn this lettler. If I'm right though, and you still love her the way you did when you wrote that letter, please tell her, don't hesitate to tell her. Oh, and this time, don't do via letter. Tell her in person.


Gilbert Bougainvillea"

Leon let the tears he'd been holding back the first time he read through the letter fall, careful not to let them hit the paper, as he read it a second time. She did get the letter. Her husband knew the whole time, the whole time he was getting to know him at Kyle's wedding, Gilbert Bougainvillea knew Leon's greatest regret.

He eventually moved to the bed, still holding the letter as he lay there. "Do I still love her the way I did then?" He wondered out loud, over and over again until he passed out.

As he woke up and got ready for his day the same question kept repeating over and over again in his mind. "Do I still love her?" As images of the day before at The Evergarden with Violet and Aster flash behind his eyes, he felt himself getting closer to an answer for himself, and that's when the new question came up. "Did she... does she...?"

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