Chapter 10

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When they arrived at the Appleton's manor Place reminded her of the Bougainvillea's mansions, but instead of feeling cold or haunted by this place she felt invited.

Once inside Violet and Leon are separated as Leon is taken somewhere to be helped into the suit he was lent and Violet is escorted to Fern's room.

The large bedroom had an equally impressive closet full to the brim. Violet was told to choose whatever she wanted. Her gloved hand glides over the array of clothes.

"Blue." Fern's sudden appearance surprised Violet. She turned to see the birthday girl in a silk emerald gown with that high neckline and long black gloves up over her elbows. Her hair is down and wavy. Another young lady stands beside her, a pale girl with blonde hair in a pink mid calf dress with a swooping neckline. "Don't you think she'd look good in blue Calla?" The other girl nods.

"It's nice to see you again Fern. Thank you for offering a dress." Violet bows her head.

"Anything to put a smile on my sweetie's face." Fern says before walking further into the closet and starts to pull dresses out and soon there is a pile. "Oh! I'm so rude! Please forgive me. Calls meet Violet Evergarden—" there's a knowing look in Calla's eyes that Violet takes as meaning that Fern has already talked about her with Calla. "She's friend of Leon's. Violet, this is Calla Smith. She's  my— we are together." She winks at Violet before returning to the dresses.

Violet slightly smiles.  "It's very nice to meet you Calla Smith."

"Oh! This one! It'll make him beet red!" Fern pulls a red dress from the options.

Violet starts blushing before speaking. "May I try some of these on?" She asks pointing to the pile.

"Yes!" Fern says while buried between two yellondresses. "And feel free to pick others to try if you want. What size shoe are you?"

By the time all was said and done it was time for the party to start. Leon was resting at one of the tables sipping on some coffee when Fern and Calla find him. "Where is Violet?" He asks. Fern smiles brightly before pointing to the door.

As he turns to see what she's pointing at he has to catch his breath. She's wearing a floor length sapphire blue gown with a sweet heart neckline with straps tied behind her neck and matching high gloves to hide her mechanical arms. But reveal her shoulders. The dark blue fabric is parted up to her waist to reveal a layer of white, pleaded, fabric. Her brooch has been secured at her waist at the top of the part.

"So worth it right my love?" Fern whispers to her girlfriend as Violet approaches with a gentle smile. Violet is stopped by several men on her way to the table where Leon is. "I wish I wasn't injured. I would have met her at the door before all those men could bother her."

Fern has had enough of Violet's delay and storms off to get her. Calla speaks up. "Afraid someone else might sweep her off her feet before you get the courage to tell her how you feel about her?" Leon scoffs as he refocuses his attention to watch Violet, finally approaching him.

Despite all of the men trying to get her attention, to ask if they could dance with her, Violet shot all of them down and tried to keep her focus on Leon. He looks handsome in the dark suit and the black bow tie that he's borrowing. His messy black hair has been combed and styled. He looks mature and all she wants to do is sit by him for the rest of the party.

When Fern breaks up the group of men trying to get Violet's attention breathes out a sigh of relief and thanks her new friend. As the two approach Leon and Calla Fern speaks in a confident tone. "Doesn't she look lovely Leon?"

He swallows before responding. "Beautiful." He says breathlessly.

Violet blushed, but maintains eye contact as she thanks him for the compliment that he has no idea how deeply she actually appreciates such a simple yet meaningful word to her. 

Violet and Leon sat next to each other on a bench near a door that lead out to the gardens and watched as Fern and Calla danced together. After the second song started Leon turns to Violet. Although he had never been that fond of dancing before, after seeing the way she spun in the rain before they left for the party, that's all he wanted to do. "Violet, can I lean on you so I can elevate my leg for a bit?" It wasn't like it was a lie, he did need to elevate here and there.

She nods and as his back meets her arm the top half that is still bone and flesh tingles. The sensation almost hurts at first until she realizes it's just because she wishes the rest of her arms could feel him. "Are you comfortable Leon?" She asks while dropping her eyes to see him. A low "mhm" and a nod is his reply.

After a few more dances Fern comes up to them. "Violet! Come dance with us?"

Violet shakes her head. "I'm good here." She gently smiles.

Fern's brows knit and her cheeks puff in frustration. "As a birthday gift from you, I'd like you to dance with us for one song. I'm sure that Leon will survive one song without you."

Leon sits up and pulls his injured leg down. "Go. She won't stop until you do."

Violet is swept up on to the dance floor by Fern and Leon watches with a bright smile and some laughter as the three girls swirl around each other.

In the shadow of the doorway beside Leon stands a man with short dark hair, an eyepatch over his right eye, watching Violet dance. When she lets out a small laugh Gilbert Bougainvillea's heart melts as he watches the young lady he loves experience some of the freedom he wanted for her.

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