Chapter 6

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Sam made way to his room. He put on a strong exterior to keep his friends calm, but he was dying inside. His depression was starting to set in deep again with this dreary feeling of death lingering over him. He got into his room after washing up and laid on the bed. He sighed covering his eyes with the crook of his elbow.
"We're so dead... I hope I die first."
He then rolled over onto his side, with his back facing the window and fell asleep with his dark thoughts racing through his mind. Especially the thought of being impaled by the Hiisi.
Caz entered his room and slid down the back of the door putting resting his forehead on his forearms.
"The guys. They need me to be strong... I feel so selfish. We're finding out so much about E's past... And yet I can't stop thinking about my own. I was adopted by Mr.Winters, my real dad died. I wish I could forget that. I'm sure it's awful not being able to remember... But it must be better than remembering and not being able to have."
He clenched his fist over his chest tugging on his shirt.
"Dad! I miss you. I wish you were here now. Why-why did you go? What would you do now? You were always so brave. Reading about E's grandmother, I didn't picture an elderly woman. All I could picture was you. All I could remember was you, dad."
He rested his head on the door and stared at the ceiling, and let tears roll down his face.
"I feel selfish Dad. I should feel some kind of fear. Dread, anguish, something, but all I feel is excitement. Dad, I might be joining you soon. You won't have to be lonely for much longer. You always taught me, if you do good things you go to heaven. Is that where you are now? Even with these sinful thoughts, will I be joining you? I don't know dad. I don't know. But I do know this dad. I love you. Goodnight."
Caz got up and made his way to his bed snuggling deep into the sheets and pillow, and fell into a deep slumber.
Ethane walked to his room with all he just learned. He felt numb. Nugget followed him rubbing against his ankles. He sat at the edge of the bed and looked to Nugget who leaped onto the bed and curled into a ball.
"There has to be a reason. Right, Nug Nug? I mean... This is for my protection. Being this way. Mother, she sent me here for a reason. Maybe she thinks we can end this somehow... You were her cat, weren't you Nug Nug?"
Nugget meowed then rolled over curling his paws towards his chest. Ethane smiled as he scratched Nugget's tummy then laid back.
"Goodnight Nug Nug, I hope I remember you in the morning... All of this... Even if it is upsetting. I need to remember. For them. My brothers."
Nugget curled up against Ethane's chest and they cuddled throughout the night.

Dawn broke, and the men awoke to a shriek of the Hiisi. They all shot out of bed and ran to the stairwell. They looked at one another and then nodded. Time was of the essence. They all agreed to meet in the dining hall after going back to their rooms to get dressed.
Sam slipped on his jeans, tied his trainers, and buttoned up his white shirt which he stuffed into his pants, and put on a green sweater, pulling the collar to peep out of the top. Combing his soft hair to the side and cleaning his glasses, he decided to check if the drawing was still on the window. Instead of finding the drawing that he had so tediously sketched, he found that he couldn't see anything outside. There was fog so thick it looked purely white. He decided to hurry into the dining hall to wait for the other two and tell them of his discovery.
Caz entered his room and sighed deeply as he looked back to the ceiling.
"This is it, Dad. I might be joining you soon."
He got into black jeans, a navy blue v neck, and a violet plaid shirt. He strapped on his dark brown work boots and headed for the dining hall.
Ethane brushed out his long hair and tied it in the braid like always, then brushed out Nugget's fur, finding a black ribbon, he tied a bow around Nugget's neck. He then got into black leather pants, a baggy dark grey sweater with a pastel purple button-up peeking out of the top and bottom. He slipped on his dark toms and called Nugget as he headed to the dining hall.
All three men met sat in their seats as Nugget leaped onto the table. Sam got up and walked over to the window.
"Guys. We have an issue."
Caz and Ethane gave Sam their attention as he yanked the curtains aside to reveal the foggy outdoors. Caz shot up knocking his chair backward as he pointed to the window.
"I-it's white! Where's the forest?! Nothing is there? What the hell!?"
Ethane gasped lightly. Sam nodded.
"I think it's fog. We won't be able to see anything even with flashlights or candles. We shouldn't go out today. Our best bet is to search around here for some more clues."
Sam spoke with complete confidence, believing this was truly the best thing for his friends and him to do at this point and time.
"The Blur."
Ethane mumbled under his breath.
"Eh? The Blur? What's that? I couldn't hear you."
Caz looked over to Ethane with a puzzled look on his face. Sam took a seat as he listened to Ethane speak.
"The Blur. It was a story my grandmother would tell me. It was a part of the Hiisi's legend. It would get foggy so no man or creature could find the Hiisi, but the Hiisi can see just fine. It's a way to protect themselves from the sunlight, and it's the cabin's curse. I presume because we're holding the Hiisi's family captive. Sam is right, it's too risky to go outside now. Our best bet is to stay inside and look through the study. You two can get started, and I'll prepare breakfast. I'll come to get you when it's ready."
Caz and Sam nodded and headed off to the study to search some more. Ethane smiled to Nugget then spoke softly with a warm smile.
"Come on Nug Nug, let's go prepare breakfast."
Ethane then walked into the kitchen, tied on a white apron and then started to cook up some maple brown sugar oatmeal.

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