Chapter 4

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Anu goes towards Rii and purposely bump into him. Before they could fall down, Rii held her by her waist and they have an eyelock.

Anu's P.O.V.

OMG!!!!! He looks so cute even from close. I think I like him. No Anu you love him.

P.O.V. ends

Rii left her and she stood up.

Anu: I...I am sorry

Rii smiles at her.

Rii: It's alright cutie ☺☺☺

Anu: (in mind) Cutie. He called me cutie

Rii was about to leave but Anu held his hand.

Rii : Yes?

Anu: Um myself Anushka Sen

Rii: Oh. Nice name. Myself Riyaz

Anu: Friends?

Anu extended her hand and Rii accepted.

Rii: Sure Anushka

Anu: You can call me Anu or anything you like

Rii: Ok Anu

Sid: (shouts) Rii what the hell are you doing there? Come here

Anu's P.O.V.

How arrogant? Doesn't he knows how to talk to someone? I want to kill him.

P.O.V. ends

Rii: Yee coming bro

Anu: Can't you sit with me?

Rii: Sorry Anu I want to sit with my friend

Anu: (sadly) Ok

Rii: Hey don't be sad please. Beautiful girls don't look nice when they are sad. We will sit together in some other class

Anu smiles.

Anu: Ok

Rii goes and sits with Sid.

Sid: Who was she?

Rii: No one. Just a classmate

Sid: Hmm

Avu and her friends saw whatever happened in Rinushka.

Anu goes towards them smiling.

Reem: Oh look. How happy our Anu is

Jaan: Ha to woh toh hogi hi na. After all she got her prince

Reem and Jaan laugh while Anu blushes.

Jaan: Oye hoye Anu blushing

Anu: Guys did you see how arrogant is that guy?

Avu: Yep he shouted at him. Reem and Jaan you saw how arrogant he is

Jaan: He is arrogant but still handsome. You can't deny

Reem: I agree

Avu: Ugh these girls are mad🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Teacher enters

T: Good morning students. Welcome to this college

Students: Good morning sir

T: Ok let's start with introduction

One by one all students gave their intro.

It was Sid's turn.

T: What is your name?

Sid: Siddharth

T: Full name?

Sid: That is none of your buisness

T: What? Don't you know how to talk to teachers? 😡😡😡😡😡

Sid: Nope

T: Then get out of my class right now

Sid picked up his stuff and stood up.

Rii: Bro say sorry please

Sid: Shut your fucking mouth. I am not saying sorry to anyone

Sid left.

Whole class was shocked by his behaviour.

Avu's P.O.V.

What the hell? Such a disrespectful guy. And thrown out of class on very first day and he has no shame.

P.O.V. ends

To be continued

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