Chapter 14

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Sid provides Rii with clothes, food and money.

Next day

At school

Sid entered and all girls started drooling our hot Sid. 😎😎😎😎

Sid goes towards his bestie (I am not revealing his name right now. It will be revealed later in the story. So I will write SF- Sid's friend for him)

Sid: Hi bro

SF: Hi

A girl came running and kissed Sid's cheeks.

Sid:(irritatingly) Ari how many times I have told you I don't like all this. Why don't you get this?😤😤😤😤

Ari:(sadly) Sid we are friends. What is the problem?

Sid: Whatever. I don't like it

Sid goes from there and Ari also leaves.

SF's P.O.V.

I hate this Sid. Girls go crazy after him. What is so special about him? And this Ari, she is just too much. I won't leave you Sid.

P.O.V. ends

In evening, Sid was talking with Rii and his father saw him.

SD: Sid who is this guy?

Sid: Dad he is my friend

SD: Oh. He doesn't look like one of us

Sid: Dad don't say like this please

SD takes him from there.

At home

SD: (angrily) Who was the guy?

Sid: I told na dad he is my friend

SD: Sid we are rich people. You should talk to kids of our standard. He is poor. You don't need to talk to him

Sid: Dad please don't say like that. Even if he is poor, where is it written that rich and poor can't be friends

SD: Idk all that but you are not talking to him

Sid: But dad....

SD: (cuts him) That's my order. Now go

Sid goes to his room and cries a lot.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

HER ARROGANT LOVER {COMPLETED} ✔️✔️Where stories live. Discover now