Chapter 15

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Next day while going to school Sid sees Rii.

Sid: Hi. Sorry for yesterday

Rii: It's ok

Rii was about to go.

Sid: Rii why are you not talking to me? Are you angry?

Rii: I am not angry from you. But your dad was so angry yesterday. So I thought you won't talk to me anymore

Sid: Leave him. He just lives for money. I don't care about him

Rii: Are you sure? He will scold you

Sid: I said na. You are my friend and like my brother. Let him do whatever he wants to

Rii: You said me brother 😭😭😭😭

Rii hugs Sid.

Days passed.

After a few days, Sid's dad came home very angrily.

SD: Where is Siddharth? 😡😡😡😡

SM: Must be in his room. Why are you so angry?

SD: You know what he has ashamed me in front of everyone

SM: (shocked) What?

SD: Siddharth come here right now 😡😡😡😡

Sid came.

Sid: What happened dad? Everything alright?

SD: You asking me every alright. Don't behave so innocently

Sid: But have I done? Atleast tell me

A slap 1,2,3
(Me: Sorry bro 😭😭😭😭)

Before SD could again raise his hand, SM stopped him.

SM: At least tell what he has done?

SD: This bastard has sexually forced Aanya (It's just a random name. She is SD's best friend's daughter)

Sid was shocked.

Sid: What? I don't even go near girls. How can I do something like that.

SD: Then is everyone lying?

Sid: Dad you don't trust your own son and trust your fucking buisness partners and friends 😢😢😢😢

SD: Just shut up😡😡😡😡

Sid: Mom see na what dad is saying? 😭😭😭😭

SM: I never expected this from you Sid

Sid: Mom you too 😢😢😢😢

SD: I am so ashamed to have a son like you

Sid: Dad please listen to me

SD: I don't wanna hear a single word. Just get lost from this house right now. My son died for me

Sid was totally broken after hearing all this and quitely left.

He tried to suicide but Rii saved him many times. He was i  depression and later turned into am arrogant jerk.

After sometime, they found out the rumors were spread by Sid's best friend out of jealousy.

Flashback ends.

To be continued

Please don't kill me for this. 😭😭😭😭

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