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He was bored and there was nothing he felt the energy to do so it made him feel even more lazy. School finished and he had yet to change out of his uniform with Sousuke by his side as they walked outside of the school grounds. The two childhood friends went to the convenient store and relaxed outside and just as Rin grabbed out his phone to question your whereabouts, you silhouette appeared in the distance.

He didn't know it was you at first before he narrowed his eyes on you. You'd been walking right towards him down the street with earphones in your ears, music playing as your head was bobbing along to the beat.

You hadn't noticed him yet and while he still had his phone, he smirked and opened the camera app. He pointed the camera to you and Sousuke took notice of the new person approaching, "Hey, isn't tha-"

"Yeah." Rin answered quickly, without hesitation when he held the phone still while the brunette noticed his friend kept zooming in onto your face without your knowledge. Once he had your face covering his screen, he snapped picture after picture with a playful smirk on his face.

He didn't stop to check the photos until you finally noticed him. Your eyes widened before the widest face broke out on your face and Rin paused for a moment when his breath hitched.

He didn't expect you to pull off such an adorable face when seeing him and he didn't realise he had stopped before you suddenly broke out into a short and quick jog, not wanting to waste another moment not being in his arms when you both coincidentally found each other in such a normal place.

He snapped more pictures now and he frowned inwardly at the sound of Sousuke's chuckling when noticing his friends flustered reaction to his girlfriend but Rin ignored him when you finally realised what he was doing and raised two frightened hands to hide your face from the camera, your whiny voice meeting his ears while also making his lips simultaneously turn upwards,

"Rin~! Stop!"

You hurried to reach him and he didn't stop snapping pictures of your face, "That's enough.." Your voice lowered to a whine and then you practically dove onto him to try and attempt to get the phone back. He dodged your attempts, laughing to himself as you seemed to pathetically fall onto him with a whine.

He thought it was undeniably cute.

"What's wrong? Y-You," he paused when you almost swiped him by accident, he chuckled at you, "I'm just taking some gorgeous pictures of my girlfriend~" He teased and you frowned, taking a seat beside him defeatedly, "Let me see.."

He pridefully opened his camera roll and your mouth dropped when you saw so many of the same photos, zoomed into your face when you hadn't been paying attention, "Rin, delete them~... They look so gross." You looked away and stared at Sousuke, frowning even further, "Why didn't you do anything, Sousuke?" He couldn't help smiling at your slouched state, "Hey, I tried."

"Not hard enough!"

"Hey, don't yell at Sou,-" He broke into a laughing fit when he swiped to a picture of you, zoomed right into your face so there was literally nothing else in the picture and you had been singing. Your lips were twisted into an awkward position when your lips had been forming the lyrics without noticing your boyfriend taking the picture.

You huffed, crossing your arms before you while pouting and Rin noticed, nudging you for your attention as he wasn't entirely sure how upset you were and yet he started laughing again. You'd been looking around, anywhere but at your maroon-haired boyfriend before an idea suddenly caused you to freeze.

You couldn't help the smirk growing on your face and then you reached over to gently grab Rin's arm. He was cautious, still holding his phone away from you before your soft lips on his cheek made him stop, feeling butterflies in his stomach before you started whispering.

"If you delete those photos, I'll send you better ones tonight..."

Rin swore he had goosebumps all over from the sound of your sultry voice and the way your light breath tickled his ear and his neck, he had frozen and when he finally came to, he was already going through to delete the pictures he'd taken.

"You better keep your word.." He muttered out, his face turning the colour of his hair.

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