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It started on your fingers, the light hadn't managed to seep into the quiet room yet and as a result, you managed to stay within your slumber despite growing increasingly aware of the fact that you were waking up even if you didn't want to.

It didn't help when there was a consistent pair of lips on your fingers either. They strayed there as you wallowed in the warmth of the thick blankets that aided in keeping the cold from touching your skin. A significant source of heat always stayed neared you, always making sure to keep in contact with your body but you were beginning to come to in regards to finally remembering what it was when you smelled that specific scent.

The scent subconsciously lowered your walls and made you completely vulnerable for them, unaware of what he was doing or what he was thinking but at least you knew who the person was that was laying butterfly kisses over your palm now. He leaned your open palm against his smooth cheek, the heat of his skin making your fingers curl over his jaw and his lips even further.

Feeling the pull of his lips, your fingers unknowingly trailed over his lips and he responded by kissing them also. He didn't say anything but it was more than okay when you were still half gone and half here with him. Your hand had fallen from his grasp and he breathed slowly, making himself comfortable on the bed whilst in the sheets as he tried to move as quietly as he could while still breathing peacefully on your arm.

His breath came near until it stopped when his kisses landed on your forearm, moving up. He took a good look at your gentle face and his kisses repeated more and more as he made it up to your elbow, kissing but nothing more and nothing less.

The gentle atmosphere could've aided in making you fall asleep again if not for the ruby-eyed angel, waking you up in the best way possible. But he never stopped and you wondered how far he'd go, trailing his lips - not kissing the skin, instead just dragging his bottom lip, almost seductively - up to your shoulder when you turned your head towards him, almost smiling but you didn't know what he saw when you kept your eyes closed.

He responded by lightly nudging your forehead with you own and you felt his hair touch you skin with a feather-like touch, causing your lips to pucker a little just as his short, sudden breath fanned over your chin as he seemed to find the moment humorous. Nonetheless, as a result, your head turned away from him and you almost felt the smug look in his eyes that he directed at you lovingly and his kisses continued.

Gentle, innocent and holding so much raw affection, his kisses splayed onto your collarbone and you realised that he wanted you to move your head so as to create more kissing space for him. You couldn't help smiling now, feeling your cheeks lift to accommodate for the smile that he didn't see when his nose rubbed against you neck, his lips trailing up your jaw, behind your ear as he nibbled your ear lobe slowly, sensually but not in a way that suggested sexual intentions. It was quiet, gentle and loving. Sweet and beautiful.

His kisses turned playful, he knew you were completely aware of what was happening now, his smile was infectious and he chuckled lowly, his voice raspy and causing a chill to arise when you begged your mind to memorise that sound for all eternity. His lips laid sloppy kisses on your cheek, lowering to your chin and missing your ready lips when he moved further up the bed and closer to you, his lips puckered on your other cheek, repeating the same actions when they landed up to your temple.

He kissed your forehead, his kisses having lost their innocent and graceful elegance when he couldn't stop smiling now, they were playful and almost cheeky as his boyish nature finally showed in the early hours of the mornings and you revelled in the moment, wishing it could never end when his lips removed themselves from your skin so he could lower them to the shell of your ear, "Morning, princess."

You hummed in answer, ecstatic internally when goosebumps formed on your arms at the feeling of his lips moving on your skin, his low and tired voice whispered into your ear with no one around to interrupt or pop the bubble surrounding the two of you. And all you had to say was one word, you spoke and your voice sounded odd; clouded with sleep, but he couldn't restrain himself further as his eyes never strayed from the girl he absolutely adored.


And he finally laid his lips onto your awaiting ones, meeting and never wanting to leave.

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