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It was only supposed to be Rin and yourself, he specified that and you said that you understood. He was excited to have you all to himself. To treat you to dinner and walk with you, able to hold your hand and talk nonsense as he made you laugh while you made him blush. He only allowed it to happen with you and he specified that he only wanted to have you to himself.

He had been studying for tests while you had been helping Gou, Haru and Makoto with their club as Nagisa and Rei also asked for your help in their studies. It surprised you when Rei asked along side the smaller blonde boy but you were glad to help when Nagisa claimed Rei wasn't good at teaching because he didn't understand anything.

You couldn't help laughing when Nagisa imitated Rei, which led to him stealing the taller boys glasses to copy his voice and facial expressions as he recited the words that Rei had told him, 'your notes are simply not beautiful, why should I help you?'

You couldn't help noticing the slight similarity between Rei and a tall, blonde salty boy who you had the slight displeasure of knowing from another school when he quickly rejected to other first years in assisting to their studies.

Alas, the time spent helping the boys meant less time with your beloved and grumpy boyfriend and when he found you walking to him with another person by his side, he was a little less than pleased.

"Gou, go home."

He didn't waste a breathe when you smiled up at him, dismissing his frown and when he spoke, she whined as you giggled to yourself, "Rin, I told her to come."

He looked down at you with an accusing glare, though it wasn't as harsh as the glare his sister received, oddly enough, "What?"

Gou nodded at your words and seemed to prove it by interlocking her arm with yours as you welcomed the actions, he watched her arm with a clear frown when she spoke, "Brother, you know [Name] and I are best friends at school!"

Her voice was loud and before he could turn away and grumble nothings under his breathe, she continued, "And besides, isn't it good that we get along so well? She's going to be my sister-in-law, anyway."

You almost gaped at her, feeling your cheeks turn warm as you knew they had gone red while Rin froze, unable to meet your eyes as his own cheeks turned the colour of his bright eyes. He coughed and turned away without a word, neither denying nor approving of his devious sisters words.

The ramen restaurant was warm, perfect as the chilly breeze outside forced you to cling onto Rin's side for heat while his sisters did the same thing to you, not that you minded. Whenever there was a silence between the three of you, Rin could count on his sister to make it not silent around you but you didn't mind unlike the taller boy.

In the restaurant, the three of you went into a booth as the menu was spread out before Gou while she sat on the other side of Rin and yourself.

Rin almost managed to lose you to his sister so he would be seated by himself but he'd rather go to his dorm and let Ai talk his ear off than let that happen; hence why he managed to grab you by the wrist and pull you next to him so his sister could pout and whine to him.

You laughed, a warm feeling blooming in your chest as you consoled Gou with words Rin wasn't exactly fond with, 'don't worry, Gou, we'll go on a date next time!' And so, underneath the table, Rin relaxed himself by slipping his hand into yours and interlocking his fingers with yours while you happily invited it, giddy at the small display of affection as Gou chose what she wanted on the menu.

"I feel like ramen, shrimp ramen? Oh, but I need to watch my figur-"

You practically gaped and Rin felt the small squeeze on his hand as you leaned forward causing him to listen to you attentively, "Gou, honey, if you need to watch your figure then I shouldn't even be eating."

She almost replied when you furrowed your brows, still disbelieving to what she'd said, "Please don't say anything like that again, you're actually really beautiful, okay?"

She couldn't help smiling and Rin squeezed your hand this time, repeating the words you said so easily and he couldn't help smiling as he noticed his little sister smiling wider now, deciding on the ramen with a side of dumplings. You glanced at him, smiling and he pulled you into him so there was no space between the two of you when you curled into his warmth, "[Name]-chan.. you're such a good friend~!" She whined at you and you smiled at her gratefully as she flipped the menu over to your side, asking what you were going to order,

"Me? Oh, nothing."

Rin raised a single brow and sat forward almost intimidatingly, "Excuse m-"

"I'm kidding!" You laughed out loud and Rin breathed out through his nose, almost as if he was warning you to watch what you said when Gou had giggled too, "What about you, Rin?"

He glanced at the menu for a second before shrugging shortly, leaning and making himself comfortable against the cushioned seats in the booth, "Whatever you're having."

Hence why the two of you had gotten a chicken ramen dish while Gou ogled the shrimp ramen before her. The three of you spoke in sync, "Itadakimasu," and Rin noticed the way you immediately moved all of the vegetables to the side to get the good stuff below.

He raised a brow, picking some of his own vegetables from his plate to drop it into yours, you gaped and frowned in disbelief, "Rin! If you don't want it, don't give it to me!" He smirked, his pointed teeth coming into view as he slurped a single strand of ramen, "You better not be thinking you can eat it all and leave the vegetables."

"... Feed it to me and I'll eat it."

He froze and you smirked at his reaction, knowing full well that Gou had been hiding a smile behind her hand as she held it there to prevent the flavoured water in the bowl from accidentally spilling away from her bowl. He was flustered, aware that his sister was listening with her full attention and he sighed, feeling as if he couldn't help it.

Yet he also felt slight butterflies when he didn't answer and did what you said, slowly.

You watched in amazement as he used his chopstick to reach over into your bowl and initially you thought he was just going to get his own veggies back before he timidly raised them to your mouth, your breath hitched and you opened wide with a grin, "Ahh~"

You heard a picture being snapped and your eyes snapped to Gou as she held her phone in front of her' biting her lip to keep her smile to a minimum as her brothers cheeks were so pink, "Dammit, Gou!"

He snapped at her and you laughed when she gave you a thumbs up, "Rin, you're so adorable! I love you!" He looked at you after glaring at his sister and breathed out in frustration, unable to stay mad when you spoke so sweetly and earnest, especially after speaking those three words.

".. Yeah, yeah, love you too- whatever, just eat your food!" He raised his voice, becoming impatient and then you noticed Gou was already half way through her food as you muttered toward her, "Send that to me, okay?"

She nodded and cleared her throat to speak up again, changing to conversation when your hand found Rin's under the table again after instinctively letting go when the food arrived, "I'm full.. I have homework, shall we go home?" She was grabbing her school bag as you almost copied before you felt Rin squeeze your hand lightly, making you unable to move with her, "I asked my girlfriend to come and now you think we're all leaving? You're going home, she," he gestured to you without looking down at you, "Is staying with me."

She smiled obediently and waved towards the two of you as she left before her older brother could notice something that you did, smirking as you almost laughed aloud, "She left us to pay for her food."

"Dammit, Gou!"

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