Nothing 4

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Sarawat dropped his exhausted body on the sofa as soon as he and his friends arrived in his house. Man and Boss stood up near the table beside the couch and stared at the quiet man.

"What's your plan then Ai'Wat?" Boss asked. He was picking his nose while speaking. Man hit Boss' hands to stop him from flicking it.

Sarawat didn't answer. His right arm placed on top of his eyes so the two other guys didn't know if he's thinking or he already feel asleep.

Man was about to say something when Sarawat suddenly stood up, glimmer in his eyes as he stared at his bestfriends.

"I'm gonna sleep. And maybe wake up to the right universe." He said.

"Huh?!" Man and Boss chorused, finally believing that their friend became crazy.

"You can leave now. I'm gonna sleep." Sarawat acted of jumping on the bed when Man held his hand.

"Stop being stupid. This is not a dream."

"Yeah. Tine is gone dude. He went with P'Mil." Boss added. Man and Sarawat stared at him with the former mouthing some words as if stopping him from saying more.

"I mean, come on Wat. You saw the guy. He doesn't know you. If Tine is that good in acting, then what am I?" Boss continued. Man could feel the tension in Sarawat's arm since he's holding it. He didn't have a choice but to grip it harder.

"Maybe you ditch sleeping and do some planning?" Boss stared at Sarawat, challenge clearly reflecting in his eyes. The two men exchanged eye contact for a minute, silence ensued except for Man's heavy breathing.

Sarawat sighed and scratched his head. "You're right. I should face this. I should accept whatever's going on as reality." He looked at his two friends. "Then tell me what I need to do."

Boss let out a high screech, hands balled into a fist while doing a howling call. He smacked Sarawat's shoulders, pulling the man to him so he could whisper in his and Man's ears.


Tine was waiting for P'Mil outside the guy's classroom; his own class ended for awhile now. Actually, he ditched the last subject. His entire day was completely confusing as he continuously felt tiny prickling in his nape like someone was staring at him. He almost knocked someone earlier as that feeling was so strong that he actually heard someone called him from behind. There's something really weird that's going on.

Added to that annoying feeling, he couldn't find his phone and he never went anywhere without the device in his hand. He thought that maybe P'Mil had it since it was the man who ended the phone call earlier as he was coaxed to go to the bathroom.

"Tine? What are you doing here?" P'Mil asked as soon as he went out of the room and saw the younger man.

"P', do you have my phone?" Tine immediately asked.



"I-I didn't see it. Why?"

Tine scratched his head, his confusion doubled up. "I couldn't find it. You had it earlier right? You took the phone from me and ended the call from that weirdo, correct?"

"Y-yeah. I did but I left it in the apartment. It's still probably there." P'Mil advised, looking anywhere but at the smaller man. "Oh, I forgot, I have a football game so I won't be able to eat dinner with you."

Tine nodded distractedly as he continued to think about the gadget. He felt a hand grasped his shoulders.

"Are you going to sleep in my room later?" P'Mil asked.

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