Chapter 10: truth or dare.

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July 13, 2012. Sunday, 6:38 PM.

The day has gone by pretty fast. The boys haven't won a match and they've been having to do laps every time they lose. Hinata and Kageyama finally came to Tokyo from their retakes with Tanaka's sister.
"How were retake's?" I asked the two boys.
"It was good, did we miss anything?" Hinata asked, excited, and ready to play a match with the whole team.
"Ah, well. The team hasn't really against the other schools, " I started, smiling sheepishly towards the duo.
They glanced at each other for a second and looked back at me.
"Then we'll get a win!" The two boys said, first pumping the air. The two then left to get changed into their gym gear.
I sighed and went to Kiyoko and Yachi, who was watching the other teams play, while our team took a break after their laps.

"Which team is that?" I asked, pointing at the team with a captain that looks like an owl.
"That's Fukurodani academy, " Kiyoko pointed out. I nodded as I watched them do some nice spikes.
"They're pretty good." I comment.


Night fell and the team managers are assigned to help with dinner. Only one manager from each team could help so Kiyoko went while me and Yachi hung out a but.
"I'm gonna go see how the dinner is going, see you!" Yachi said. I nodded and waved to her as she left. I'm not good at cooking so I just wanted to hang back a bit.
As I walked through the outside halls, I see Tsukki walking ahead of me.
"Kei!" I yelled and ran up to him. He turned back and stopped walking for me to catch up.
"Oh, hey Y/N." He said in a monotone voice.
"Are you going back?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" I squinted at him as he smirked and laughed a bit.
"Hey! Glasses-Kun!" Tsukishima and I turned our head to gym 3, where two boys stood in front of the doors. I laughed as the silver-haired boy called Tsukki glasses-Kun. Tsukishima then glared at me and I tried to hold in the rest of my laughter.

"Y'all wanna practice a bit with us?" The rooster head asked, gesturing us to come over.
"No thanks, I'm done for the day." Tsukki answered, about to walk away. I glanced at the boys who looked kinda shocked at his answer then back at the tall blonde.
"C'mon Kei! Why not one game with them?" I asked, pulling at the end of his shirt.
"Your blocks were pretty weak..." I cut him off. Tsukishima then looked back at me and glared. I just smirked at his reaction and could sense the reaction from the two boys in front of the gym doors, shocked.
"Fine." Tsukishima gave in. I smiled and we both went to the gym where the two boys and another boy were in.
"So glasses-Kun!"
"It's Tsukishima." Tsukishima corrected the Owl boy. I giggled a bit.
"Yeah, yeah. How about you do some jump blocks?" Owl boy asked. Tsukki nodded and they all got into position.

I watched them play, the owl boy and rooster head mocking Tsukishima while the boy with a calm yet annoyed look was just watching the two mock Tsukki. I kept laughing every once in a while when they mocked Tsukki. The boys took a break.
"That was pretty good Kei, " I said, smiling at Tsukishima's direction. I caught him blushing and looked away.
"Mhm." he hummed and I just laughed. The three boys then came over to us.
"Say, you look awfully familiar, like someone from online." Owl boy said, putting his finger in front of my face as I sheepishly smiled.
"I'm L/N Y/N." I confessed.
"Oh! You're that popular model, I've seen your Instagram!" Cat boy said, with a smug face on. I blushed as he got closer to me and so did the owl boy. What I didn't notice was Tsukishima getting jealous and looked away.
"Get away from her, your scaring her." the black-haired boy behind these two said. They backed away and I sighed in relief.
"Thank you...?" I was about to thank the bit but don't know his name.
"Akaashi. And owl boy is Bokuto while pain-in-the-ass rooster boy is Kuroo." Akaashi explained.
"Oh, okay. Thank you, Akaashi-Senpai." I smiled at him, which suddenly made him blush.
Am I some sort of flirt?
I sighed.
"Hey guys? Dinner started a bit ago and if you don't hurry up, it's going to be gone." The two managers of Fukurodani passed by the gym and said. We all panicked and ran to the kitchen of the school and got dinner.

After we finished dinner, I went to the room for the managers. I changed into some shorts, which were pretty short, thinking I wouldn't need to go outside for anything anymore. But before I could get into my little futon, I heard a knock on the door that was closed. I was the only one in the room right now because the managers are showering (I shower later at night, it's 7:26 right now.) I went to open the door and see Kuroo and Bokuto.
"Um, hey boys?" I said, leaning against the door frame. The two guys then took my hands and started to drag me somewhere.
"W-Woah! Hey!" I struggled but the boys kept shushing me so no one knew what they were trying to do. I pulled away from them until Kuroo and Bokuto let go of my hands.
"What are you guys doing?!" I whispered at them.
"Its a secret, Akaashi and Tsukishima are waiting for us." Kuroo explained. I was confused but then realized Bokuto picked me up and put me over his shoulder.
"Yah!" I yelled at them again.
"Um, Y/N?" I heard Bokuto say.
"What?" I whisper angrily, swing my feet a bit.
"Stop moving, your shorts are short." As he said that, I froze and stopped struggling. I could hear Kuroo's hyena laugh. I used my hand to smack his head.
"Ouch!" He said but smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

I didn't know where we were going, but we went up some stairs and into a dark hallway. I just closed my eyes until I felt Bokuto put me down. We were in the music room of Shinzen high. I wandered around a bit until I saw Akaashi and Tsukishima sitting at the corner near a window. They both looked really gorgeous with the moonlight shining on them.
"Okay! We got the whole party here!" Bokuto exclaimed.
"What are we even doing?" Tsukishima asked. The two boys and I walked over to Tsukki and Akaashi and sat in a circle with them.
"Playing truth or dare." I looked over at Kuroo, flustered. But I tried to calm down.
What could go wrong?
Is what I said to myself in my head.
"Fine, who's first?" Tsukki asked.
"I'll go!" Bokuto said, looking around the circle of who his first victim should be. Like an owl deciding on which rodent to devour first, and I was the smallest of all of them.

"Eep!" I squeaked and blushed as Bokuto called my name.
"Truth or Dare?" He asked. I see Kuroo raising his eyebrow, and hear Tsukishima tsk, Akaashi was just silent.
"Um, d-dare?" I said.
"Okay, I dare you to..." Bokuto paused and started to look around while thinking. I was nervous, hoping for something not so embarrassing.
"Aha! I dare you to kiss all of us, one at a time." Bokuto smirked, making me turn even redder than a tomato.
"You don't need to do this, Y/N." I hear Akaashi say. I hesitated but got into the center of the circle and sat on my knees.
"W-who first?" I asked, my fist clenched and eyes closed.
"Anyone closest to you." I hear Kuroo say. I open my eyes and see that Tsukishima was in front of me. We both blushed as our eyes locked.
"let's just get over it." Tsukishima muttered. I sighed and leaned in closer to Tsukishima. I don't know what was going through Tsukki's head but he must have been impatient by making the first move.
Tsukishima took my hand and brought it closer to him, making me fall towards him too and our lips touched. It was tongueless but I thought I felt butterflies in my stomach. I could feel both of our faces get warmer and red. Tsukishima then parted the kiss and let go of my hand, leaving me in shock. But before I got back to my position in the middle, Tsukishima whispered something in my ear.
"Meet me outside at 12, when everyone's sleeping." I blushed and nodded as I sat back down in the middle. I was flustered but moved to Akaashi and kissed him.
Akaashi did a small peck but it was cute of him. I moved onto Bokuto who seemed excited about the kiss. I squinted at him and just leaned closer to him to kiss him.
Bokuto was pretty rough and so was Kuroo. They both added tongue a bit but it was for long because I would've moaned if it was longer than 10 seconds. After the awkwardness, we finished the game and went back to our rooms. (Obviously, you kissed them separately if you thought that you kissed them at the same time.)

I was so flushed when I went back, I tried not to think about the kisses but I was so fazed, Kiyoko must've caught on.
"You okay, Y/N?" She asked, placing her hand on my forehead to feel my burning face. I blushed and panicked.
"Ah! Yes! I am fine!" I said, nervously laughing.
"Your face is burning up, you need some cold water?" She asked, handing me an ice-cold water bottle.
"Oh, thank you. I'm just going to sleep now." I said and laid down on my futon, waiting for the time to hit 12 AM.

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