Chapter 12: More than friends

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July 14, 2012. Monday, 8 AM.

I wake up from the sun shining towards me. I groaned and swung my arm over to cover my eyes.
"Wake up, Y/N!" I hear Yachi's voice as she shook me to wake up. I got up and placed my hands on her shoulders.
"I'm awake," I mumbled, still tired. Yachi got up and picked me up by my hands to stand up on my feet.
"When did you yet that sweater?" I turned to Kiyoko and looked at her confused until I realized I had Tsukishima's sweater on and just blushed.
"I-I was cold!" I stuttered, Kiyoko and Yachi giggled as I was panicking and blushing like crazy.
"Okay, let's go get ready, the boys are already up." Kiyoko explained and started walking off to the bathrooms. Yachi and I followed.

I walked through the hallways, following the other managers to the bathroom as we stumbled across all the boys. I see Tsukki and Yamaguchi walking through the hallways so I go over to them.
"Hey Yama! Kei!" I yelled as I got to them. They both turned to me.
"Hey Y/N-chan- wait, " Yamaguchi paused and gave me a questionable look. I tilt my head in confusion.
"Is that Tsukki's sweater?" I blushed again, but it felt more like a deeper shade of red than earlier. Tsukishima turned his head and snickered while I eyed him in frustration.
"I- uh..." I tried to speak but I was so embarrassed. Tsukishima then moved a bit in front of me.
"I forgot to tell you Tadashi." Tsukki started and pushed his glasses up before explaining.
"Y/N likes me and made me give her my sweater." Tsukishima said, making me shocked and blush even more. I started hitting his back while he just laughed from teasing me.
I hear Yamaguchi laugh too so I glared at him, still hitting Tsukki's back.
"I'm kidding." Tsukki said as I stopped hitting him. I pouted and crossed my arms, turning away from them both.

"Truth is, Y/N and I like each other, more than friends." I turned to Tsukki, blushing a bit. Yamaguchi didn't seem fazed.
"I actually kinda knew you guys liked each other." my eyes widened a bit. I look over at Tsukishima who was flustered, me and Yamaguchi both just chuckled a big at his rare reaction.
"Um, well, I'm gonna go get ready for breakfast." I said and walked away, waving bye to the boys.
I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and changed into a t-shirt with my tracksuit pants.
After getting ready, I went to the cafeteria, carrying Tsukki's sweater in my arms and wandered around to find a seat.
"Y/N!" I hear someone calling my name so I turn to the direction of the voice. It was Kuroo, he was sitting with Tsukki, Bokuto, and Akaashi. I smiled and went over to their table.
"Hey guys." I greeted them.
"Sit with us!!" Bokuto exclaimed, pointing to the seat across from him which was right by Tsukki. I nodded and sat down.
"So, how did you sleep?" Bokuto asked loudly. I glanced a bit at Tsukishima who was looked at him, glaring a bit.
"Good, why?" I said, eating the food on my tray.
"Did the kisses make it hard to sleep?" I almost choked and glared at Kuroo who said that.
"She slept finely, " Tsukki stated. I looked at him a bit curious about what he was going to say next.
"Oya? And how do you know that? Did you sleep together?" Kuroo and Bokuto started teasing, I huffed and continued eating.
"No, we were kissing." I choked again. I looked at Tsukki then at the two bedhead twins, who were surprised, but gave us both a smirk. I flushed and burrowed my head into my arms.

"Stop making those faces, you two." I heard Akaashi scold the boys. I felt a hand on my head, I look up and see Tsukki still glaring at the boys.
"So you two are official or something?" Kuroo asked.
"Yes." Tsukki answered. I blushed even more again and stood up from my seat with my tray.
"I-I'm done eating! I'm going to get a drink!" I accidentally yelled out loud and ran away to put my tray away.


"So, how did you guys he together just last night?" Kuroo asked me. I looked down at my tray and ate the food.
"We just went on a walk, what else?" I said, bleakly.
"But you said you guys were kissing, " Bokuto reminded me of my words from a moment ago. I felt myself blush a bit.
"Well.. Yeah, we did kiss, but it wasn't for long." I responded.
"Your kids would look cute!" Bokuto muffled out loud with food in his mouth. This time, I choked and glared at Bokuto, who was smiling widely and Kuroo with a smug grin plastered all over his face.
"Tch." I scoffed and got up with my tray.
"I'm going." I said and walked off.
"Go find your girlfriend!" The two knuckleheads yelled out.

I walk through the halls and see Y/N leaning against the wall. I walk over to her and realize her eyes are closed. I tapped her shoulder, making her jump a bit but stay in her position, she opened her eyes and turned her head to me.
"What are you doing, idiot?" I asked. She pouted and slouched at the little nickname I gave her.
"Stop calling me that, and I'm just, " she paused and took a deep breath with her eyes closed.
"I don't really know.." she said, squinting her eyes at the wall in front of her and crouched down with her knees in her chest.
I look down at her for a second and kneel down to her height.
"Of course you don't know, little, " I stopped and just couldn't help and admire Y/N. Without realizing, my lips was inches away from touching Y/N's.

"K-Kei..." I hear her mumble before I leaned in for a kiss.
I don't want to admit it but I just want to kiss Y/N until I can't anymore.

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