we can't start a story without a minor inconvenience now, can we?

17 3 0

"these might be the golden years"


European countryside, 1752

Sitting in one of the many Fawley carriages Adelaide hummed to herself, thinking of the many possibilities this new school would bring.

"Do you have to hum, some of us didn't get particularly good sleep last night" Adelaide opened her eyes and glared at her twin, pursing her lips,

"James, it's not my fault you were up reading till who knows what hour. Mother told you that today would be an early start. Honestly! your acting like some kind of whiney servent" James huffed and turned towards the window. Adelaide doing the same as they had been in the carriage for hours and frankly, she was bored of the silence.

"James, my dear brother, who happens to have attended this school, I hope they are people of reasonable quality, I'd rather not be in such company of dunderheads as the young boys at court." she queried, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

"You mean you wish to know who to charm and manipulate to gain favor you mean,"

"You know me too well, although you could benefit by doing the same" James sighed,

"I guess I'd rather have you get the information from me than Alastair, god knows he would try and get you in with those low-level lords who worship the ground he walks on" James paused for a beat, "not that you would need him to do that, you practically had all of Scottish court following your every move." Adelaide laughed, knowing what he meant, it had taken only a few words and even her cousin was entranced.

The great king of Scotland, dotting after his young cousin. It had been quite a sight. She had even convinced him to make her heir instead of her brothers, not that anyone besides them knew that. Besides, Adelaide already was set to inherit her mother's family fortune and title as head of her noble house, the same went for her uncle. she was the obvious choice seeing as Alastair hade practically made his own fortune and wanted to continue his ways, and James was not one to care. He was on the verge of leaving for America, where a semi wealthy distant cousin lived. Neither the crown or the money would benefit either. Adalaide made sure Orion knew of this.

"Yes I suppose, but truly James, exactly how prestigious is Blackthorne Acadamy?"

"Quite, otherwise mother would have a fit, in all honesty, if it wasn't father would have a better one made right away." Adelaide pondered this for a second before wondering why her father hadn't, surely he could improve upon this school which seemed far from any courts of civilization,

"And why hasn't he?" Adelaide raised her concern, a theory already forming in her mind,

"Well little sister, if father headed the school it would mainly be Scottish, Irish, and French nobles attending, correct?" Adelaide looked away from the window, a small noise of reassurance left her mouth, nodding at James to continue, "this school, being in neutral territory attracts all kinds of nobles, giving it prestige, and most importantly, a way for future allies to be set and plans to be uncovered."

Adelaide took in this new information, already planning on how she could gain more power. However, her plans were interrupted by James as he signaled for the carriage to stop. Adelaide donned a look of confusion as they still had a long journey ahead.

"James, why have we stopped?"

"There appears to be a block in the road" before either twin could talk once more a servant rapped on the carriage door,


"excuse me your highnesses but there appears to have been a large storm recently and it seems to have knocked over quite a few trees, there is a town nearby where someone has been sent to find others to help move the blockage, but we expect it will take some time." the young boy seemed nervous in the presence of the two royals. Adelaide dismissed him without a thought while she pondered this new delay. James, however, seemed to have found a solution as he exited the carriage and held his arm out for her. 

"Why don't we go explore this quaint little town, I'm sure they must have a tea shop or a pub at least." Adelaide smoothed her skirts as she locked arms with him,

"We might as well James, who knows, maybe they might."

A/N: welp. there goes that. what do you think of Adelaide? of James? I have plans to make it much more interesting but you'll have to wait ;)  for now I have no definite update schedule but I will try for once a week.

andddddddd, here's your daily meme! feel free to send me some!

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