why are gargoyles so judgy

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"I've finally found it,

a place where I'm wanted"


James and Adalaide sat in their now moving carriage, glad the branches had been cleared as confrontations about their status were inevitable and no matter how much they flaunted it, It grew tiring after some time. Mainly to James.

Roughly 2 hours later--according to Adelaide, they could see the looming towers of Blackthorne Academy in the distance. She turned to James and sighed once she saw his sleeping state. he was utterly hopeless. She couldn't imagine the trouble he'd get into once he was reunited with his gaggle of friends.

Adelaide shook herself out of her thoughts and proceed to shake her brother none too graciously. Startled James scrambled up and ended up falling off the bench, much to Adelaide's amusement.

"What was that for?"

"We're almost there sleepyhead" Adelaide smirked, holding a laugh.

"Oh," James collected himself, excited to be there after the boat and week-long carriage ride. He was practically bouncing out of his seat. Adelaide smiled at his childish actions.

A few minutes later the trees thinned and then disappeared, showing Blackthorne in its full glory. Spiraling towers disappeared into low drifting clouds, four huge wings spanned the length of a large manor each. The center of the building had large archways leading to what Adelaide assumed was a courtyard, the whole castle sat on a large rocky cliff the west side overlooking a large lake. The north side of the castle opened up into a tall reaching forest, the south and east sides held carefully groomed gardens. Gargoyles sat on ledges as if they were guarding the castle. The setting sun painted the sky in colors the finest painter wouldn't be able to recreate. All in all, it was an impressive sight.

"Wow..." Adelaide was amazed by the sheer imposing beauty, it looked ethereal with lanterns floating in the hands of footman and lighting the path to the imposing gates. The setting sun painted the sky in colors the finest painter wouldn't be able to recreate

Due to their delay, they were some of the last to arrive only one carriage procession making its way behind them, the luggage and other unneeded carriages turned down a different path to one of the servant entrances. The carriage slowed at the gates, guards standing by. A footman got out and presented their family seal, a guard looked in and waved them through.

The gravel crunched under the horse's hooves as they pulled passed the gardens and entered the archway, their carriage coming to a stop. The same footman from before opened the ornate door, James descended first before, like always, holding out his arm for Adelaide.

Entering the grand hall small children could be seen staring in awe and even some of the older ones. More were scanning the masses looking for a familiar face before Adelaide could get a good look James tugged her arm.

"Come on, I think I see Elijah and Cordelia!" Adelaide lit up at the thought of one of her few true friends. But chided James for his childish actions,

"There's no need to be so immature!" James just laughed and continued on his way eager to reunite with his long time pranking partner.


"James! Its been forever and hello to you too your highness" Adelaide smiled

"Please, its just Adelaide if you don't have to address James you don't have to address me. We've known each other for years!" Adelaide turned from Elijah to Cordelia, it had been 6 months since they saw each other and she had changed. She was now taller than Adelaide and had gained quite a tan. Her wavy brown hair had grown out to her ribs.

"Cordelia! I've missed you immensely, you've grown!" Cordelia smiled and returned Adelaide's hug.

"I've missed you too, I hope we share a dorm" Cordelia looked down as she talked, as always.

"Well, it just so happens that your one of my ladies in waiting, I'd been begging father to let me choose for ages and he finally agreed. There's no way we won't share a common room at least!" at this Cordelia visibly lit up knowing she would know at least one person.

"James tapped Adelaide's shoulder and motioned toward the food table set up. Typically she thought but waved him off anyway. Elijah followed behind just as eager. Turning back to Cordelia, Adelaide held out her arm,

"Well then, let us go see if we can find anyone else,"

here ya go. sorry I didn't update last week I was really busy with school work. so without further ado, the meme of the day!

 so without further ado, the meme of the day!

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