oh, look! a sworn enemy! and the title is mentioned! how exciting!

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"I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream"


After nearly an hour of socializing Adelaide and Cordelia had picked up the final members of their party. Another one of Adelaide's ladies in waiting being one. Aurora Emrys was a headstrong girl, a member of an ancient french house she was practically raised with the Carmichaels and Fawleys. Her older brother was close with the twins' own, both being young powerful lords.

Princess Elizabeth of Spain had also joined them. Although she hadn't grown up with the other three they were still close having seen each other on many diplomatic trips to either country.

Aurora was a tall pale girl with long wavy dark hair that almost seemed reddish, her high cheekbones just added to her aristocratic features. The most curious thing about her though was her deep brown eyes, if one paid close enough attention they would be able to see the wild mischief that they danced with.

On the other hand, Elizabeth was on the shorter side, about 5'3, with white-blond hair and a tanned complexion. The small girl just seemed to ooze kindness and almost everyone relaxed in her presence. Her sparkling blue eyes just enhanced that. She was fourth in line for the throne with 1 older sister and 2 older brothers.

"So Adelaide has your father also been pushing you towards marriage? like I would settle down!" Aurora's hands flew carelessly into the air as she looked to her princess.

"Not necessarily, he seems more concerned with Alastair at this point, did you know he's been courting an Italian woman?" at this shock was evident on the other girls' faces. The Italians had quite a rocky relationship with the Scottish and Spaniards, "at least shes noble, imagine the scandal if she wasn't!"

"True, but I'm sure she's a very nice lady, maybe she could help an alliance?" Elizabeth smiled at the teens, hope in her eyes like always.

"I suppose but I am still curious about your talk of marriage Aurora? Do you have a betrothal?" Adelaide was curious after all arranged marriages were a common custom, no matter how much some may hate it.

"Not quite, but there are talks of an understanding" at this the other girls perked up, as this must have been a new development for Aurora normally would send a frantic letter as soon as the news was announced.

"This was recent Aurora?" Cordelia spoke up voicing Adelaide's thoughts.

"Yes, father only told me last week, I figured I would see all of you before a letter did,"

"And who is this lad might I ask?" Elizabeth was on the verge of bouncing on her feet, ecstatic for her friend.

"About that, ummm," Aurora looked around nervously and coughed, "he might be umm-"

"Oh just spit it out! How bad could it be?" Adelaide was growing impatient, wanting to hear the news.

"Elijah Carmichael," Aurora's voice barely a whisper.

"Who?" Cordelia inquired

"Elijah Carmichael! Your brother, Cordelia!" a silent shocked washed over the two princesses and noblewoman.

"H-how did I not know of this?" Cordelia seemed the most shocked out of all of them, which was to be understood.

"It is still not for certain, and I'm sure Elijah was not keen to tell. He's always harbored a hatred for me,"

"That's not true!" Elizabeth butted in in hopes to cheer up her friend.

"He does, and I know it, but at least he's not English," as if Aurora had summoned them Adelaide caught sight of English and German guards walking in through the doors,

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