A/N: announcement + Q&A!

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Hey guys!
I just wanted to put this out: I am going to publish a short story (not a Harry Potter fic) that I wrote for my English class. Since I've already written the full thing- it won't take any of my brainpower away from this fanfic. It's a detective story- if you like Criminal Minds, you'll probably like this! It should be up (fully complete!!) by tomorrow or the next day. I'll post an announcement when it's up!

In the meantime, I was requested to do a small Q&A! Special thanks to ertugrul_bey786 for these wonderful questions!
1. Who inspired you to write?
- I'm not really sure... I think it was the books I'd read (HP, PJO)
2. How old were you when you wrote your first fanfic?
-My first fanfic was actually written about five years ago- when I was in fifth grade for a school project lol. It was a Percy Jackson fic that I never brought to Wattpad
3. Would you say that you are an experienced writer?
-I'm not sure- I write a lot, kind of whenever I can; would I say I'm a fantastic writer? Eh. But I guess experience-wise I meet the bare minimum

If you have any more questions, I'm always reading my comments!! Happy reading!


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