Chapter Twenty-Six: Storm The Manor

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      "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry held himself in place as the kickback from the Patronus Charm threatened to fling him onto his back. A large, ghost-like stag emerged from the tip of his wand and galloped towards Malfoy Manor before dissolving itself at the entrance. 

      Thankfully the others had gotten the cue. Harry saw his first wave of Aurors run at the Manor from all sides of the clearing and get themselves inside with the help of Fred, George, and some explosives. The other half of the Ammunition and Weapons Division had taken off on a broom and disappeared behind the building. Harry figured Remus had suggested an all-sides approach. Smart

      Within a few minutes the second wave of Aurors, including a few trained field medics, was in the forest around him. Ron and Hermione appeared on either side of him and crouched down. 

      "Everyone's here and in place," Ron said. "It's on your mark." 

      Harry checked his watch. It had been ten minutes since the first wave had rushed in. He looked back up at his friends. "Let's go over the plan."

      "We know where their lab is, thanks to Regulus," Hermione said. "We go in, get there by any means necessary, destroy everything, and get out. We'll send out a signal when we're done; arrests can be made later if needed."

      "How will we know we've got the right potion?" Ron asked. 

      Harry thought about it. "We'll know," He mused. "Like we always do." He turned to Ron and smirked. "Has my gut ever been wrong?"

      "Let's be honest here," Ron jabbed. "It hasn't always been 100% right."

      Harry laughed. "Alright, let's do this." He stood up and thrust his wand out in front of him. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He yelled again. Another ghost-like stag left his wand and raced towards the Manor. 

      The second wave of Aurors recognized the cue just as quickly and sprinted from their hiding spots. They made it to the Manor and disappeared behind doorways and open windows. Some Aurors threw smoke bombs, supplied to them by the Ammunition and Weapons Division, through the windows before entering. 

      Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat silently for a few minutes to give the second wave enough time to clear more space. Harry let his head fall as he tried to mentally prepare himself for this mission; but every time he tried to walk himself through the strategy his thoughts drifted to his parents. He couldn't focus without worrying about them. The feeling was jarring. He han't had someone like this to lose in years. 

      "We should go in," Hermione said, breaking Harry's train of thought. "Everyone ready?"

      "Only because I have to be," Ron cracked.

      "Amen," Harry snorted. 

      "Harry," Hermione instructed. "As Head Auror, you'll lead us in and make the final calls." She took a deep breath. "On my mark."

      Harry adjusted so that he was ready to take off at Hermione's call.


      Harry looked at Ron. He'd been Harry's right hand man ever since that first train ride to Hogwarts. His loyalty was both his biggest strength and his greatest weakness. Ron would gladly sacrifice himself, like he did in that Wizard's Chess game in their first year, if it meant that anyone else was going to survive.


      He looked at Hermione, who had spent the last few months as the sole head of the Joint Forces. It was her decision-making that had given them this plan. Her face said it all; she'd die if it meant that the Death Eaters, an organization that wanted her dead for simply having the nerve to exist, were gone for good.

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