Chapter Six: An Overdue Introduction

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      James followed Harry and Ron through the hallway that led to the cafeteria. He was glad that Lily had been holding his hand tightly throughout most of the tour; otherwise he would've gotten completely wrapped up in his own thoughts and probably have bumped into something by now. Could anyone blame him, though? After nearly 20 years, his son, his son, was right in front of him. It didn't matter that they'd already had their 'big emotional reunion,' it didn't matter that they had to reunite under such odd circumstances; all that mattered was that finally James was able to see and hear and hold his son. Every second of the tour James grew even more proud of Harry and all that he'd done; the Head Auror's badge clipped to his shirt being just the icing on the cake.

      Which brought him to looks. James fondly remembered joking that since baby Harry had black hair and bore a slight resembelance to a young James, Lily had somehow lost out on handing down looks aside from the emerald green eyes they shared. Now, on the other hand, James was floored when he saw exactly how much Harry looked like him. Every time he looked at Harry it felt like he was staring in a mirror. In fact, he pitied anyone who wasn't either of them, with the possible exception of Lily. If he wasn't himself, James figured he'd have a rough time telling the two of them apart. 

      The cafeteria was a large, open room; probably about half the size of the Ministry's lobby. On either side of the room and a few feet inside were two large buffet tables, fully stocked. James followed his crowd as they walked over to one of them and filled up plates that they picked up at the front of the tables. The boys waited at the end and then quickly found an empty table to occupy. James took a seat next to Harry. Lily sat on the other side of their son.

      "Y'know," Ron said, shifting his gaze between James and Harry. "I thought everyone told Harry how much he looked like you because part of it was sympathetic. I was wrong. One of you needs to dye your hair or something." He promptly tore into the drumstick he'd been holding.

      James looked at Harry again. "How often?"

      "Every time I meet someone new over the age of 30."

      Lily stifled a laugh. "That often?" She asked.

      "Oh yeah." He responded. "And don't think they leave you out. I've honestly considered carrying around an index card that reads, 'yes, I know I look exactly like my father; and yes, I know I have my mother's eyes.'"

      It was James' turn to try not to laugh. Or cry. Or both. "Well clearly you somehow inherited her snappy one-liners."

      Something he'd said must have been important because Ron nearly choked on his food and dropped what he'd been eating. "Oh you have no idea," he said between coughs. 

      "Ron," Harry cautioned, "Don't embarrass me here."

      "I would do nothing of the sort, Harry." Ron said indignantly.

      "You absolutely would."

      Ron paused. "You've got me; but I won't now. Anyways, I think you two need to hear the greatest one-liner ever delivered. Picture it: September 3rd, 1996. Defense Against the Dark Arts-"

      Harry groaned. "Oh, Merlin."

      Ron shushed Harry, who was now holding his head in his hands. He then proceeded to tell James and Lily about the time Harry had 'accidentally' talked back to Snape in, at least in James' opinion, the best way a student possibly could. In fact, James spent the next few minutes trying to keep himself from falling off of his chair in a fit of laughter. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Lily, too, was trying very hard to keep it together.

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