Chapter Ten: Spy on the Inside

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      The next morning Regulus woke up, or rather stopped trying to sleep, at 6am. He picked up his packed bag, put on an outfit that showed the least signs of joining a rebellion, and picked up a small breakfast on his way to the compound's entrance. As he fiddled with the pin given to him the day before, he saw Harry and Dora waiting at the end of the corridor. He walked up to them, very aware of their concerned looks. 

      "Is this my farewell party?" Regulus asked with a hint of sarcasm.

      "I wanted to make sure you're ready," Harry said. "One last check won't hurt anybody."

      "And neither will calling this off," Dora added. "There are other, safer, ways to do this sort of thing."

      Regulus laughed a little and pulled Dora into a side hug. "I'm ready," he said to both of them. "I know what to do. As much as Kreacher dropping the ball about my betrayal annoys me, right now it gives us a huge advantage; and I'll be damned if we don't use it."

      Harry looked at him as if he'd just signed his own death warrant; but also as if he understood Regulus' decision. Dora, on the other hand, had her head buried in his chest.

      "I can't lose you again." Her voice shook with the intensity of a small earthquake. 

      "You won't," He assured her, managing a small smile. Though truth be told, seeing his cousin cry broke Regulus' heart in two. From what he heard about the past 20 years, she'd been through so much more than anyone, especially her, deserved. 

      Abruptly Harry's expression changed as if someone else had entered the corridor. Regulus turned his head; walking towards them was Remus, obviously bleary-eyed and holding a half-asleep Teddy in his arms. When he noticed that they were looking, he smiled wearily. Upon reaching the other three, Remus put a gentle hand on Dora's shoulder. Teddy stirred slightly and held a small arm out to his mother.

      "This little guy-" Remus glanced down at his son, "-woke me up because mom apparently left. I figured there was only one place she'd be this morning." He looked at Regulus and sighed. "Do us a favor and come back in one piece."

      All Regulus could do was nod and look down at his watch. "I should go," he said. In response, Dora tightened her grip. Regulus managed to push her away just enough to look her in the eyes. "I'm coming back," he said to her, wiping a few tears off of her cheek. "That's a promise I intend to keep." 

      She nodded and gave him one last tight hug before stepping back. Remus put his free hand on Regulus' shoulder. No words came out of his mouth, but Regulus knew what he meant. It was the same thing everyone had been telling him since the mission was announced the afternoon before. "Be careful. You know what they do to traitors. It doesn't matter if you share their blood. After all, look what they did to your brother.

      Regulus and Harry exchanged one last nod, and suddenly Regulus had apparated to a dense forest. He looked around, catching his bearings. His eyes settled on a large mansion about 100 yards to his left. Malfoy Manor, he thought. Long time, no see. Nervously gripping the handle of his bag, he walked towards it; running the plan through his head on repeat before he entered an environment in which a single thought in the wrong direction could get you killed.

      When he reached the door, Regulus used a pattern of knocks that his parents had taught him back in the 70's. This particular series was supposed to signal that the knocker was a Death Eater or an ally; and it was so secretly passed between its potential users that it was enough to negate the use of any other security measures. Regulus hoped that it was still at least recognized by the Manor's residents.

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