Chapter Thirteen: To the Rescue

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      The days after Regulus' news seemed to pass slower than any other days in the past few months. Harry spent every moment he could spare in the training rooms running simulations with Ron, and sometimes by himself. When he wasn't in training he spent hours studying the plans that he, Ron, Hermione, and Regulus had written out. Any other time he had, which was sparse, was spent checking in on each department as well as Regulus before he'd left for Grimuald Place and then Malfoy Manor.

      Harry found that the hardest check-ins he had to make were to his father and Regulus. And after Regulus had left, Harry had no choice but to sit down with James and talk. 

      "He knows what we're doing is the right call," Remus had told him during a visit to their department. James was off testing smoke bombs as a way to take out some anger without storming Malfoy Manor himself. "He's just... overwhelmed. Don't get me wromg, Harry, I am too; I'm just used to it. He's missed quite a bit more than I have."

      "Then why isn't my mum like that?" Harry had asked.

      Remus smiled and sighed. "She's distraught as well, I'm sure. Some people just... show it differently." He paused. "She's the kind of person to bottle it all up until it's all over."

      So Harry found his father one afternoon and they talked. And they cried. More so James than Harry; but these days Harry found that emotion came easier to him, especially around his parents.

      And finally, the morning of the mission arrived. Harry had barely been able to sleep the night before, so he was waiting at the entrance of the bunker for a hour or so before Ron arrived.

      "Couldn't sleep?" Ron asked.

      Harry shook his head. "I'll be fine, though."

      Just then, Lily, James, and Remus appeared at the other end of the hallway and walked towards them. 

      "I'll give you guys a minute," Ron said.

      "No," Remus stopped him. "Stay. You're on this mission, too. We're here to wish you both good luck."

      Ron thanked them, but Harry could tell his parents were there for another reason. He stared at them with an inquisitive expression. 

      Lily got the message. Abruptly, she pulled Harry into a very tight hug. James joined in, wrapping his arms tightly around both of them. 

      "Please stay safe," James whispered. "If you can't..." He took a deep, shaking breath. "If getting him out means we lose you, then don't do it. Please."

      Harry pulled back so he could look at his parents. "I'll be careful. You'll see me soon, I promise. I love you guys."

      They nodded, teary-eyed, and stepped back. Harry turned and took Ron's hand, waved goodbye, and apparated them both.


      Harry and Ron found themselves in a dense forest. Harry began to look around them in all directions. Eventually he spotted Malfoy Manor about a hundred yards away to his left. He tapped Ron on the shoulder, put a finger to his own lips in a shushing motion, and then gestured to follow him. The two walked quickly yet carefully amongst the trees, following the perimiter of the forest until they reached the back of the Manor. Harry walked to the very edge of the forest and crouched behind a tree trunk. Ron crouched behind the trunk closest to him. 

      Standing at the back door of the Manor was a Death Eater that, at least from this distance, Harry did not recognize. He looked like a low-ranking member and relatively easy to take down. One look at Ron told Harry he felt the same way.

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