Chapter Twenty One

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The sunlight was so clear as it shined through the curtains to the hotel room Kakashi and Sakura were staying in. She laid on his bare chest as her hair painted the sheets with their soft pink strands.

Kakashi mindlessly ran his fingers through the silky threads, his eyes closed as he enjoyed this still moment in time. The blanket belonging to the bed laid over their waists as Kakashi rested his free hand on Sakura's lower back.

After an hour she began to stir, he looked down watching those beautiful eyes of hers open. Kakashi smiled as she blinked a few times then looked up at him with a sleepy look still resting on her face. Kakashi laughed, reaching down and kissing the top of her head.

"Good morning." He smiled.

"Morning." Sakura breathed, putting her head back on his chest as she closed her eyes. Sakura was not a morning person. She laid on Kakashi's chest listening to his heartbeat, last night replayed through her mind as she felt Kakashi's naked body underneath her.


Sakura looked to the in table next to the bed, her phone was underneath a bag full of uneaten candy that they never got around to eating.

"Fuck." Sakura breathed, closing her eyes as she placed her forehead on Kakashi's chest.

"Hm?" Kakashi asked,

"I had a meeting." Sakura groaned recalling her and Dawn setting up the meeting for today. Sakura had planned on being back in the waterfall village in the early morning after getting some sleep inside the leaf village, but the river village called her, so she whisked right on over thinking they were in trouble. They were not, they just wanted her blood.

"A meeting about what?" Kakashi wondered, moving an arm behind his head.

"Word had gotten around about Carver and Raiden training the Leaf shinobi, so now other villages feel this is unfair and want me to send a team to them so their shinobi can be trained." Sakura explained, she knew she should get up quickly get dressed and rush to her village, but she didn't want to move.

"Hm." Kakashi nodded, he quickly flipped the two. Kakashi hovered over Sakura who looked confused. "Well you already missed your meeting." He said,

"Yeah, now I have pissed off village leaders and-"

"And-" Kakashi cut in, "-you should spend the morning with me."


"They can wait a few more hours." He whispered, leaning down and placing his lips against hers.

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the one who has to deal with them." Sakura broke the kiss.

"I'll deal with them." Kakashi smirked, "If it means I get you all to myself all morning, send them my way."

"I-" Kakashi kissed Sakura again, stopping her from talking. Her hand found the side of his face as she allowed herself to melt into his grasp. "-I should really get going-" Kakashi kissed down Sakura's neck.

"You really want me to stop?" He breathed, gripping the side of her hip keeping her from moving.

"Well-" Sakura's mind filled with lust as logic stepped on the sidelines. Kakashi quickly moved up to hover over her face.

"You vanish from me for weeks at a time, they can wait a few more hours." He said, leaving no room for argument as his hand left Sakura's side, traveling down her stomach and in between her thighs


Kakashi kissed Sakura's shoulder, he laid behind her holding her against him. Their arms were extended out in front of them. Kakashi played with Sakura's fingers as a small smile rested on her lips. They ignored the buzzing of a phone as they laid in that bed for another peaceful hour. Sakura looked behind her letting Kakashi place another kiss on her, time with him seemed to evaporate. Sakura moved to lay on her back as Kakashi propped himself up with his hand.

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