Chapter four: Percy

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Why did he agree to this again?
Oh right because Annabeth was going. Percy felt like such a clown, but he'd steer clear of drinking anything and leave as soon as he could. When he came out of the administrative office it was like Mia was waiting for him there. She didn't even ask if he had anywhere else to be, and then dragged him around the school once more to show him places she'd apparently missed the day before.
It had taken him so long to wrench himself away from her clutches, like seriously, out of ALL the people in the school he got stuck with this one? It's like she hadn't given him time to make his own friends. Sure Percy had met some other people so far, there was that cool guy in his english class who had cracked the whole class up, and the dude in his gym class who's team he'd been on for dodgeball.
But he hadn't had time to actually talk to anyone. Except maybe Annabeth a bit, but they'd only really talked about what classes they had together which wasn't the most interesting topic. As he walked into his art class on Thursday morning Percy yawned sitting down. At least for once he wasn't late, a plus one for him.
As more students started to file in he looked out for Annabeth, excited to maybe be able to have a real conversation with her.
Art was not a subject that Percy was good at, but he needed the credit to be able to graduate next year, so here he was.
Percy was suddenly startled when a boy with curly brown hair and a mischievous look in his eyes barged in the classroom and plopped himself down at the table Percy was sitting at.
Percy smiled at him giving a little wave, "hey, I'm Percy, nice to meet ya." He said.
Making friends was at the top of Percy's list at the moment so he had to come off as friendly as possible.
The boy grinned waving back, "I'm Leo, I guess you're the new boy." Percy nodded, "yup that's me."
At that moment another girl walked in and Leo's eyes lit up, "Piper, dude, I needa tell you something!" The girl was probably around 5'7 in height and had choppy hair that was in one thick braid on the side. Percy couldn't decide what colour her eyes were, he really couldn't. Leo and Piper started talking about whatever he needed to tell her while Percy just sat there awkwardly.
He really hated this. He missed his old school.
"Oh Pipes I almost forgot, this is the new kid Percy," Leo introduced them both and Percy shook her hand. "Cool welcome!" Piper said, setting her bag on the table. "Made any friends yet?"
Percy shook his head, almost laughing at that. It was proving to be very difficult to make friends within two days. "Nahh but i've met a few pretty nice people." Percy answered thinking really hard to remember the names of everyone he'd had at least a small convo with.
"Who who who?" Leo asked, his hands tapping on aggressively on the table. "Uhh well-" Percy started, but Leo cut him off, "Actually wait, Jason told me that you were in his english class and Frank said you were in P.E. with him."
Percy was a little stunned. People talked about him? Dang he hated being the centre of attention.
"Ohhh yeah I remember them," he said sheepishly, trying not to sound too uncomfortable. Piper must have seen his discomfort because she chimed in, "you're the new kid, everyones going to talk about you for like a week but then all the talk will die down, don't worry."
He nodded knowing she was right.
Out of the corner of Percy's eye he saw Annabeth walk in. "Oh and I met Annabeth, she's pretty cool." Leo looked at him as if he'd just commited a crime. "She's terrifying..." Leo whispered to him, looking genuinely scared. "Uhh no she's not?" Percy answered a little sceptical. It's true that he didn't know her but she seemed to be really sweet and down to earth.
Leo looked at him like he was crazy, "alright then new kid, if she isn't scary to you, I dare you to go sit with her for the whole class and talk to her the whole time." Leo kept putting emphasis on the word whole, and for some reason it made Percy want to laugh really hard. Why did sitting with her seem like such a big deal to Leo?
"You don't need to dare me for me to do that," Percy smirked, standing up from his seat, grabbing his bag, and walking over to where Annabeth was sitting. Leo looked at him with wide eyes, "how?' He mouthed. Percy didn't really know why Leo found Annabeth so scary, but it seemed to amuse Piper too because she was laughing along.
Annabeth was so absorbed in reading the book that was in front of her that she didn't even notice when Percy sat down next to her.
"Heyyy!" He said, trying to sound cool but ending up having a voice crack instead. She looked up at him and suppressed a giggle, "hey Percy."
Percy was pretty sure his face was a deep pink with different shades of purple in the mix. He glanced back over at Leo, who was now engrossed in a conversation with a couple other people that had sat down with him and Piper. When he saw that Percy was looking at him he took his finger and slid it across his throat. Percy chuckled, this dude seemed fun.
"Sooo," he started, trying to start a convo with Annabeth, "what's your favourite colour?"
Percy felt stupid.
Out of ALL the things he could have said in this situation he asked what her favourite colour was. Those were the kinds of things he did that made him look like a weird person.
She laughed, "I don't really have one, but I'm sure you do. What is it?" Great, she thought he was a clown.
"Blue is pretty spicy." He replied. God what was he SAYING. She burst into a fit of giggles.
Again Percy blushed, trying to hide it by looking at his shoes, but failing miserably. "Where's our teacher?" He asked, trying so hard to change the topic. "Late, as usual." She replied, resting her chin on her hand. "What's your favourite animal?"
OoP- Ok maybe he wasn't too much of a clown, at least she didn't think his question was too strange. Well it wasn't really a strange question, it was just that Percy was anxious to talk to a pretty girl and his way of starting a conversation up was a little funny.
Time to get over that fear, because he planned to talk to this girl as much as he could in the near future.

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