Chapter one: Annabeth

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Annabeth was lonely.
Sure she had friends but they didn't really care.
She just wanted that one person. The one that would listen to her rant about architecture and the recent books she'd read. The one who would watch sappy movies with her at 2am and cry with her, who would go to the park with her on the weekends and eat ice cream as she talked about her week.
She wanted that person. A friend, a best friend, a boyfriend, she didn't care, she just wanted that person.
That morning as Annabeth walked down the halls of her high school, she looked at the faces of the people around her. Observing people was something she did often, trying to look through them, see who they really were.
The same people everyday, milling about in their usual places. Nothing new. There were the kids who sat on the stairs discussing politics trying not to get into the way of the girls who would gossip about anyone and everything, and right next to them were, oh-
Who's he?
Black hair, sea green eyes, the most mischievous smile she'd ever seen.
He was standing by the stairs to the second floor talking to her english teacher. The boy was probably the most attractive person she had ever seen.
One of Annabeth's so called friends sidled up beside her and looked at him up and down, slowly.
"Damn," she said, biting her lip, "I'm most probably gonna shoot my shot Beth, so I wouldn't even try." Annabeth rolled her eyes, "I never said I was doing anything. Can't I just look at him?"
Mia was supposed to be Annabeth's best friend, but with her constantly hooking up with guys, going to parties every weekend and getting super wasted at them, Annabeth had stopped caring for her, and had started resenting her instead.
Mia was the popular girl who was just using everyone around her for her own amusement. She didn't care about anyone except herself.
"Anyways, I'm going to that party by the lake tonight, you wanna come?" Mia asked, applying an extra coat of lipstick and flicking her stick straight brown hair behind her ear. Annabeth had always been jealous of Mia's hair, dark and pretty. She hated her curly blonde hair even though everyone told her it looked unique and beautiful.
"No thanks, it's a school night, you know that. Plus I have a chem test tomorrow I have to study for." Annabeth replied. Mia nodded, "Fair enough nerd." she giggled waving goodbye, and walked off. Annoyed, Annabeth rushed to her next class, realizing that the bell had already rung and kids were already going to their next classes.
"Fuck," she muttered under her breath after bumping into someone and dropping her book that contained a bunch of sketches she'd done of buildings and structures. She wanted to be an architect when she grew up. So so badly.
The hallways were pretty much empty by this time and Annabeth was worried she was going to be late for class.
"Damn I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going," a boy's voice said from in front of her. "Lemme get those for you," he said, bending down reaching for her scattered sketches.
"NO!" She yelped going down at the same time as him. Their heads clashed and they both fell back on their but, rubbing their foreheads in pain.
When she finally looked at him, she internally cussed. It was that boy, the excessively hot one she'd seen with her english teacher a couple minutes ago.
He laughed, "sorry again, I'm a bit of a clutz sometimes." She shook her head, "no no it was my fault, I get a little overprotective of these sometimes." Annabeth waved her now collected sketches in front of her.
He smiled, one of the most handsome smiles she'd ever seen, and put his hand out in front of him to shake hers. "My name is Percy Jackson, I'm new here."
She grabbed his hand to shake it, "I'm Annabeth Chase, and I am definitely not new here." She said, trying to be funny and failing miserably. He chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Hey Annabeth, do you mind telling me where the heck my class is? This place is a maze." He looked genuinely confused.
She was going to be late for class.
But who cared, he was hot.
"Sure, show me your timetable," she said reaching her hand out for him to give it to her. He blushed, "I may or may not have lost it," he said sheepishly, twiddling his thumbs.
She sighed giggling, "it's sticking out of your pocket." Annabeth pointed at his jeans where the paper had been stuffed into. He snorted, "I really am stupid."
Percy took out the crumpled piece of paper and handed it to her. "Sorry it's not exactly in pristine condition."
She straightened out the page and saw that he had history in the same hall that her next class was in. "Come on," she gestured for him to follow her, "your class isn't far I'll take you there."
Annabeth tried not to seem to agitated that she was late, that always gave off the wrong impression to people. That she was the biggest nerd, only concerned about schoolwork. There was nothing wrong with that, but people almost seemed to not like it? They liked parties and girls who wore skimpy clothes. Kids who would drink on school nights or get high behind the school. Hopefully Percy wasn't like that, it would be a big bummer if he was.
Since his class wasn't very far, there wasn't time for them to talk about that much, which was fine with Annabeth because she was positive she would say something to embarrass herself again if she talked. "Here we are," she said, knocking on the door of his classroom.
A short bald man opened the door, a pencil behind his ear. "Hello Annabeth, what do you want, I'm just about to start my lesson," he said, looking a little annoyed that she'd interrupted him. "You have a new student don't you? Percy?" She asked, unsure if she had gotten the right room or not. The teacher, Mr. Keller looked at the boy next to her who's hands were constantly moving, if it was running his fingers through his hair or fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
"Ahh yes I almost forgot! Welcome Percy, come in come in," Mr. Keller exclaimed, grabbing Percy by the arm and pulling him in the room. He was a very physical teacher, and sometimes it became a little uncomfortable. Annabeth had him the year before for global and she remembered that he would put his hands on her shoulders quite often. She shivered remembering his cold touch. Poor Percy, he had no idea what he was getting into. Mr. Keller was a terrible teacher in general.
"Percy you can sit next to Mia, she's a very nice girl who'll help you catch up with what you've missed this year."
Of course, just Annabeth's luck. Mia gave him her best flirty smile and hair flick, "nice to meet you." He grinned, "yeah, right back at ya."
Annabeth was just about to leave, already sick of Mia and her tricks, when Percy turned around. "Thanks for helping Annabeth! And if you don't mind, I'd love to see those sketches that you say you're so possessive of at some point." He gave her that smile again and sat down. Before she could think of anything to say back Mr. Keller shut the door on her, leaving her standing with her nose pressed up against the cold wooden door.

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