Chapter 1: New lives

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3rd person's POV

          It was a peaceful day in the School of Friendship, it has been populated by students who are not only ponies but different creatures. With the new ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle, friendship has been spread everywhere through different lands. Both Headmare Starlight Glimmer and guidance counselor Trixie were walking down the school's halls when they spotted Smolder, Silverstream and Ocellus talking. The two unicorns then walked up to them,

 "Good morning Smolder, Silverstream and Ocellus" Starlight Glimmer greeted.

"Good morning to you too Headmare Starlight and guidance counselor Trixie. What brings both of you here?" asked Ocellus. 

"We just wanted to came by and see how things are doing for you three" said Trixie.

 Silverstream then said in her cheerful voice "Things are going really well!! Being teachers in the same school where we used to study is AMAZING!!!! The teachers' lounge is sooo nice and the students are nice and and the other teachers are nice and-"

"Okay I think you've said quite enough" said Smolder as she cover Silverstream's mouth but then got removed by Silverstream and continued, "And we get to be able to share our learnings about friendship to other creatures!!!!!!!!! More specifically, OUR STUDENTS!!!!"

"Still the same Silverstream we knew back then" Trixie said then all five of them shared a good laugh.

Starlight then stopped laughing and said "That reminds me, have you three been able to still visit your other friends like Gallus, Sandbar and Yona?? Its been such a long time since the six of you guys have hung out."

Trixie, Silverstream, Ocellus and Smolder realized that Starlight asked a question and so the four stopped laughing. Smolder sighed then answered, "Honestly, with the three of us being teachers at this school, Gallus being the captain of the Royal Guard in Canterlot and both Sandbar and Yona taking charge of Professor Rarity's Boutique, we then just became so distant from one another."

"I guess we were all so busy with our new lives, we never get the chance to be with the others." replied Ocellus with a frown on her face.

"And honestly, we've been missing them.... a lot. What if our friendship is over and we'll never be friends ever again??!!!!" Silverstream panicked.

Starlight then smiled and said, "Woah woah woah, calm down Silverstream. You know, I've experienced this kind of situation before. Even I felt sad not being able to see my friend Sunburst. I thought I wouldn't be able to see him because of him going to Magic School and I thought we weren't friends anymore. I thought he would be some important wizard being so busy not to see me. But you never know when the time will come as long as you stay patient and hope that you'll be together. And then it happened, I was able to reunite with him and then we were able to do things together again. All you need are some friends to support you in any situation you are in. And luckily, you have two of them right here." pointing at herself and at Trixie. This made the three creatures smiled to the amazing advice Headmare Starlight gave. The three of them then nodded as a gesture for gratitude. The bell rang and it was time for classes.

          The three creatures walked the long hallways with an awkward silence. Ocellus then broke that silence and began to talk,

"You know, Headmare Starlight is right. It has been a long time since we've seen the others lately. Don't you guys think that we should try to visit them?" 

"Face it Ocellus, I don't think any of us will get the time to visit each other. One, Gallus  works for 24/7 nonstop. I don't think the guards will allow us to visit their captain. And two, Sandbar and Yona may only work during the day, but they still work both the weekdays and weekends." Smolder answered.

"But why can't we just visit Yona and Sandbar?? They're both in Ponyville, and if they both work everyday, we can try to atleast visit them during weekends since the weekends are our rest days." Silverstream suggested.

"Thats actually not a bad idea Silverstream" Smolder said with a  smile on her face.

"Yeah! I'm sure we can try to visit Gallus some other time, but for now, we should just visit the two of them at the boutique. Lets just hope both Yona and Sandbar aren't too busy this weekend." Ocellus replied with a nervous laugh.


I HAVE RETURNED!!!!! Its been a while since I've uploaded a new story. Thank you guys for reading this and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry if its short though, the next chapter is quite long so I hope you will enjoy that too. Stay safe as always!!!

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