Chapter 3: Called by the Map??

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Ocellus' POV

          It was another school morning. I was writing on the chalkboard in class teaching how changelings are able to shapeshift when all of a sudden I heard a huge gasp coming from my students. I turned around to face them and asked,

"Umm... Is something wrong?? *gasps* can you not understand my handwriting??" 

"Your wings, they're glowing!!" A kirin answered. 

I then spread out my wings and said,

"Oh my wings are glowing......... MY WINGS ARE GLOWING???!!" I panicked. I needed to see Headmare Starlight about this but I couldn't leave my students. So I had to give them something to do, but what?? I know, I gave them a  group project yesterday and since they weren't done with it yet, they can use this whole period to finish it while I'm gone.

"Don't worry everyone, I'm going to give you this whole period to finish your group project" I said. My class nodded and so I flew dashing my way to the halls heading towards the Headmare's office.

"Hey Ocellus!!!" I heard some creature calling my name, I then turned my head while still flying to see who was calling me. It was Silverstream and Smolder. Silverstream's wing were glowing as well, so as Smolder's spines.

"Are you heading to the Headmare's office?" asked Silevrstream. 

"Yup. Are you guys doing the same thing?" I asked and they both nodded. We all arrived at the Headmare's door and then we knocked.

Starlight's POV

          I was finishing up some paper work when I heard a knock on my door. 

"Come in" I said. Smolder, Ocellus and Silverstream then barged in all at the same time. For some reason both Ocellus and Silverstream's wings were glowing while Smolder's spines were glowing too. They were trying to say something to me but I couldn't tell what each of them were saying since all of them were speaking differently even though they were in unison.

"Woah woah woah calm down. What in Equestria are you guys saying and why are your wings and spines glowing??" I asked. They then stopped talking and thats when they started talking again one by one.

"Thats what we don't know. We were just teaching some friendship lessons to our students when all of a sudden they noticed our wings glowing" Silverstream answered.

"Umm, you forgot about me" Smolder replied with her arms crossed.

"Oops, sorry Smolder" said Silverstream.

Then, some creature else barged in on the door. It was Yona ansd Sandbar!!

"Yak and pony need help!!" Yona cried out.

"Headmare Starlight, you have to help us!! Yona's antlers glowing, so as my cutie mark" said Sandbar.

"Wait, but if your cutie mark's glowing, won't that only mean you were called by the Map??" Ocellus asked.

"I guess, but doesn't that only work on you and our professors??" asked Sandbar looking at me.

"Anypony can be called by the Map. Even I thought it was only Twilight and her friends that are able to be sent on a friendship mission, but knowing that the Map called me and Sunburst, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, thats when we realized that the Map can call anypony. In fact, it can call any creature." I answered.

"I did remember Spike being called by the Map because of his spines glowing." Ocellus replied.

"You mean how he fixed the friendship problem even though he was the one who created it??" Smolder laughed.

"So unicorn saying that friends have been called by Map??" asked Yona.

"I guess so. Seeing your cutie mark, wings, antlers and spines glowing, I bet all of you guys were called by the Map." I answered. "But we still need to head Twilight's old castle just to be sure." I said as I got up from my chair.

"Yes!!" They said unison.

"I can't believe we're on a friendship mission!!! And we get to do it TOGETHER!!!!" Silverstream cheered as she hugs them while I just smiled.

"Welp, what are we are waiting for? Lets go!" I said. Ocellus, Yona, Sandbar and I started running out of the office while Silverstream and Smolder flew.

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