Chapter 9: New Elements

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          It was the Spirit of the Tree of Harmony, in the form of Twilight but when she was younger (Not as a filly but before her body was in Celestia form or something like that)

"Hello" the spirit greeted.

"Woah! Am I seeing two Twilights??" Spike rubbed both his eyes to see if he's not dreaming.

"I am not Twilight, but I am the Spirit of Harmony. I have only taken the form of Twilight but when she was younger."

"I don't understand. Why are you here?" Twilight asked.

"To talk about the Elements of Harmony"

"Huh?" Twilight and Spike said in unison.

"As you know my story, the Pillars planted my seed which made a tree growing the Elements of Harmony and the box where you and your friends used and had your first battle with Tirek. But because it was destroyed by King Sombra, I called the six creatures to make something new out of its old parts to commemorate it, and it grew into something amazing and wonderful."

"You mean a treehouse?" Twilight elbowed Spike and asked,

"But why did you chose the six students- I mean, those six creatures to do such a task like that?"

"Your students have a strong connection. Ever since you opened your school, those six creatures will do everything they can to be together. They never left each other behind nor let each other down. They have learned a lot about friendship even if their own kind aren't made to learn friendship. Thats why I called them, they've shown that ponies aren't the only ones to experience friendship, but other creatures too. They carry the Magic of Friendship inside them, just like how they carry the new Elements of Harmony."

"New Elements of Harmony?"

"Yes. The Pillars were the first elements but as they planted the seed, it grew out new elements which are yours: Magic, Kindness, Honesty, Laughter, Generosity and Loyalty. The elements you and your friends hold were just added to the Elements of Harmony but they are the main elements. Since you have proven that friendship is the most powerful magic of all, it is why those elements are used in most of your battles. "

"So are you saying that the new elements the six creatures are holding, will replace our elements my friends and I hold?"

"Nope. They'll just be added, but your elements will always be the main Elements of Harmony."

"But I still don't understand. Why are there new elements all of a sudden?"

"Not every question is something I can answer. But as time flies, the magic of friendship passes down by generation and generation, just like the Elements of Harmony. New elements have been made because there is more to it than just 12 elements. The magic of friendship has been in the six creatures for many years and individually, they were able to experience the element they hold ever since they've became friends."

"But why just now? Why not before?" Spike asked.

"I needed to make sure when was the right time. And during their schoold days, they still had much to learn before they could be able to se the potential in them."

"But if they hold new elements, then what are they?"

The Spirit of Harmony chuckled and answered, "Check the letter and you'll find out."

And then the flash of light returns which made the Spirit of Harmony disappear.

"Isn't it weird seeing the Spirit of Harmony just taking your old form?" Spike asked.

"Uhh kinda.."

Twilight unscrolled the letter and was in shock to see that there were six words underlined in the letter,

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