Chapter 4: Together again

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(Pretend that the pic is them older)


(Still in Starlight's POV)

          We finally made it to the castle. We all ran(and flew) in the halls and once I opened the door to the throne room, Twilight was there.

"Twilight? What are you doing here?" I asked while we walked towards her. Both Silverstream and Smolder landed on the ground.

"Same reason why you brought some of our former students" Twilight answered.

"You mean you were called by the Map too?" I asked.

She giggled and answered, "Nope, but some creature else" thats when a blue griffon with a Royal Guard uniform walking up beside her. I immediately knew that it was Gallus.

"Hey guys" Gallus said shyly yet still kept a smile on his face.

"GALLUS!!" The five creatures said in unison and excitement.

Yona ran towards Gallus as she gives him a big hug.

"Yak misses griffon so much!!" Yona said. She tightens her hug more making Gallus loosing his breath.

"I guys..*coughs*...too" Gallus replied as he tries to talk, "But griffon...needs..air"

"Okay" Yona said happily as she lets go of the blue griffon.

"So how's being captain of the Royal Guard, Gallus??" Sandbar asked with a smirk and brow raised.

"Honestly, its been quite boring since all you do is just stand there and wait if theres anything bad happening. Its cool to be the captain yet it ain't any cooler than being with your friends again." Gallus answered.

"Gallus not sarcastic?" Yona asked. 

"Nope" Gallus answered.

"Aww, Gallus cares for us. How sweet.." Smolder cooed.

Silverstream then gave a warm hug to Gallus and said, "We always knew Gallus has a soft spot than being sarcastic and rude."

"Yeah yeah whatever" Gallus rolled his eyes but still smiled and hug Silverstream back then broke the hug.

"Anyway, since they're going on a friendship mission, where exactly is it?" I asked facing towards Twilight.

"Even I don't know what this place is. What I do know is that its in the Great Plains and Tempest Shadow was able to come across that place. How she described it was that it was just nothing but a big circular wall of fog." Twilight answered as she walks up to the Map, pointing to where these creatures would go. She then continued,

"There aren't any rock formations that created this. Its just a big circular wall of thick fog right in the open. Although she knew there was some creature living there yet still she doesnt know."

"I'm soooo excited!!! Not only we're back together again and get to go on this mission together, but to a place no creature has been before???!!!! ROAD TRIP!!!" Silverstream yelled in joy.

"But Tempest Shadow has been there, so there's no point on why you would still say some creature has been there before." Sandbar replied.

"Buuut, she hasn't went inside its territory. So basically we're the first creatures to go through it" Smolder replied.

"But why us though?? I mean as much I really want to take it, I'm just confused why the Map couldn't call the Council of Friendship to be the ones to take on this mission??" Ocellus asked.

"The Map has its way when it comes to choosing the right creatures on a friendship mission. And I'm sure there's no doubt that there's any creature more perfect for this friendship quest." Twilight said assuring them that they'll do great. The Young 6 nodded.

"Umm Yona have question" Yona said as she raises her foot. 

"Go on" Starlight replied.

"How do friends get to big fog??" Yona asked as she places her foot down on the ground.

"Well its somewhere near the northern mountains. Its where the Aurora falls are, home of the Eltas." Twilight answered.

"What are Eltas??" Smolder asked.

"Eltas are creatures who are bird and half deer. Those creatures have the the power to control the four elements of nature: earth, water,  fire and air." Ocellus answered.

Everyone, being confused, looked at Ocellus; making a short awkward silence. Twilight then broke the silence and asked,

"How did you know? We didn't teach you guys about the Eltas." 

"Well a few weeks ago, I went to the library and saw a book about them. The librarian said it was recently released so I see why we didn't learn about them during our time. It was said that Tempest Shadow was the one discovered them. Its never to late to do some extra reading." Ocellus cheerfully answered.

"But how come we didn't learn about them at school?" Gallus asked.

"The Eltas were only discovered this year. But because these creatures aren't known to socialize a lot and want to maintain that. I recommended the school to not learn them in the mean time." Starlight answered.

"And that goes out to all the schools." Twilight added.

"Okay then.." Sandbar said.

"So does that mean we just have to walk our way going there??" Gallus asked.

"I'm afraid so. I was about to recommend you six to take the train but then I realized that Yona won't fit in there." Twilight answered with a nervous laugh.

"Welp, looks like we're gonna have a looooonnnnggg walk going there." Smolder replied.

"Its alright. As long as we do it together, we can handle anything." Sandbar assured.

"Wait a minute, does that mean tomorrow all of us get the day off??!" Silvertsream asked excitedly. Wanting the answer to be yes.

"Yup. I'm sure I can find some teachers to substitue you three" I answered.

"And I can find another Royal Guard to take charge and to fill in Gallus' absence." Twiligt replied.

Silverstream squealed and happily shouted, "ROAD TRIP!!!"

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