Chapter 5: ROAD TRIP!! (Title by Silverstream)

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Silverstream: PLEASE?????

Random Author: For the hundredth time I said no! I'm the one making the story here. So that means I also pick the titles for each chapter.

Silverstream: Please Random Author???? I promise this will be the only chapter that will have a title made by me. Plus, you stopped doing the Q&A. You have no idea how much I enjoyed it.

Random Author: Ok ok fine. I'll name it "ROAD TRIP" only because it will stop you from begging, and two, because I stopped doing the Q&A for you guys. NOW STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!

Silverstream: Okie dokie lokie!! THANK YOU!!



3rd person's POV

          Today was the Young 6's day off due to their friendship mission. Since there were no rails leading to where their destination will be, the six creatures walked their way going there instead of using the train. All six creatures were so excited not only because it was their first friendship mission, but because they were all back together again. They were in the train station because they were waiting for Silverstream.

"Ugghh, whats taking her so long??" Smolder being frustrated to the fact that their hippogriff friend hasn't arrived yet. While waiting, Gallus noticed Sandbar being the only one bringing a saddle bag. So he asked,

"Uhh dude? Whats with the bag?" 

"Well if we're on a friendship mission, best to carry things that we need like water, food, clothes. I'm even carrying Ocellus' book of Eltas" Sandbar answered.

"Why do changeling need book??" Yona asked.

"You never know if we ever come across an actual Elta. Since these creatures are known to hide from other creatures like us, its hard to imagine what they look like." Ocellus answered.

They then noticed Silverstream flying towards them while saying, "Sorry I'm late every creature but you'll never guess what I just did!!" landing on the ground.

"What did hippogriff do??" Yona asked as she tilts her head to her side.

Silverstream came  closer to the group and whispered, "I was able to make Random Author choose the title for this chapter"

All five creatures groan and Gallus whispered as he face palmed, "You do realize that Random Author doesn't like any of us breaking the fourth wall right??"

"I know but I can't help it!!" Silverstream replied.

"I'm so excited!! We have so much catching up to do!! Especially you Gallus" Ocellus said.

All creatures laugh until Smolder stopped and said,

"Anyway, we better keep going if we wanna solve this friendship problem." 

          All creatures nodded and then they started their travel to the Great Plains. These six creatures encountered different places such as wobbly bridges, different animals, swamps and more. Even though these things came across the six friends, each of them were able to help one another no matter what. As they travel, they share conversations which each other. Catching up with what the other friend is experiencing. They shared stories, jokes and more, just like how they used to when they were younger. And of course, they ate food since they were hungry. 

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