Info About Fan Fic

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In this fan fic Izuku has 5 quirks, he also has a golden eye in this fanfic Wich he covers with a eyepatch.

His quirks are:

1 Sixth sense: his body gives out an electric pulse that will bounce off objects and send a signel to his brain telling him where the object is. It's kind of like bat's echo location.

2 extrem healing: he can almost instantly heal himself from any wound making him pretty much immortal but he gets really tired if he regens to much, also If one of his limbs is cut of it will grow back but it takes a while.

3 hypnosis: anyone who looks into his golden eye will do anithing he says for 3 minutes but is immune to it for 20 minutes after it wears of.

4 shadow arms: he has four shadow tentacles called kagune (yes I stole this from tokyo ghoul) that come out of his back just in between his shoulder blades, his eyes also turn black when he uses them, he can fully control each one like his own arms, each tentacle can reach 10 feet and lift up 100kg, however it takes a lot of concentration to control them.

5 physical enhancement: his physical ability like strength, speed, reflex and agility are enhanced making him 10 times stronger or faster but if he uses it in only a certain part of his body for example arms or legs then he will be 50 times stronger.

Bakugo is also best friend with Izuku because he respects him. Another thing is Izuku is basically emotioles, his father lives with them and has golden eyes.

That's all.

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