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Just quickly wanted to say I'll be doing this ~~~ for a time skip or change of scenery from now on.

Izuku looked at All Might and the rest, he sighed and looked at the ground "I don't know to much about the quirk itself just the basics and my heritage to it" Izuku looked at them "if you want to know about it in full detail you'll have speek to my dad or my dad's best friend" he stood up "but for now I'll tell you the basics of my quirk" Izuku said walking over to the Nomu.

"the quirk basically allows me to take control of anyone I want" All Might, Momo and Jirou looked at him in Surprise.

"how long can you take control of them for" All Might asked

"it depends on their willpower if they have a strong will then probably a year to a year and a half" Izuku said

Everyone stepped back in shock "and what if they have a weak will" Jirou asked

The air around them seemed to grow colder as Izuku looked at the group with a dead look in his eyes "if they have a weak will then I can control them... For life"

The group looked scared, the way Izuku said sent a shiver down their spine like he was warning them about something.

"so what happens to them after you take control of them" Momo asks

Izukus face gose back to its usual look "not much, they can still think for themselves and act like they usually would" he said "but when I order them to do something they will do it without question no matter what it is" everyone seemed to relax a little "another thing is that they have to be with in a certain distance from me to take control of them and taking control of someone puts massive strain on my eyes so I can only take control of one person every week"

"what is it that you can't tell us here and why can't you tell us" All Might asked seriously

Izuku turned around to face the Nomu his back to All Might and the rest "I can't tell because I don't know everything about it myself all I know is that I was never supposed to use this Quirk, my dad made me promise to never use it" he then put his hand out uttered a few words.

as soon as he finished a golden portal appeared about 10 feet tall, everyone step back in surprise as Nomu walked through the portal with it closing as soon as the Nomu was through.


"that was another part of my quirk I can transport the people I've taken control of into a room I've created for them" Izuku explained "then when I need their assistance I can summon them"

No one said anything they were all trying to process the Information they had received, it was deadly silent, no one moved or said anything making Izuku nervous "if you guys are scared of me now I understand" he said

Bakugo was the first to move, he walked towards Izuku, when he got to Izuku he raised his hand making Izuku flinch thinking he was about to get punched but instead he placed his hand on Izukus shoulder.

"I hope that you can beat me just because you have a new quirk" he said with one of his supportive smiles

Izuku smiled back at Bakugo "wouldn't dream of it"

He was then tackled into a hug by Momo And Jirou "baka we could never be scared of you" they said in unison.

All Might smiled at the scene in front of him before becoming serious again "sorry to interupt this bonding moment but Izuku when can we speak to your father" he asked

Izuku stopped smiling "well I guess its better if the hole class knows about this so I'll see if he can come in tomorrow"

All Might nodded before walking away "until tomorrow then young midoriya"

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