Fitness Test

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"Izuku, Izuku it came a letter from UA" Inko said as she ran to Izukus room with a letter in her hand.

Hitachi (Izukus dad) looked at his wife as she frantically knocked on Izukus door and shook his head 'it's 8 in the morning'

Izuku opened the door "OK mum I heard the first knock no need to over do it"

"I'm sorry dear but there's a letter from UA"

"oh thanks mum I'll read it now" he then closed his door and his mum waited outside.

He opened the envelope and out came a small disk, the disk landed on his desk and projected a image of All Might came up.

Izuku looked a little shocked but soon recovered 'what's All Might doing at UA'

"Hello Izuku midoriya it is me All Might I am a new teacher at UA" All Might said

'Well I didn't see that coming'

(I'm just going to skip to the part where All Might tells midoriya what he got)

"you desplayed some impressive skills in UA entry exam, you also managed to get 71 combat points however you desplayed more than just good fighting skills you also showed that you are a true hero by rescuing your fellow competitors gaining you 60 rescue points.... "

'well looks like I'm going to UA'

Time skip to first day at UA

'now where's class 1-A' Izuku thought, he was walking down one of the corridors in UA 'ah there it is' Izuku stood in front of a massive door.

Izuku opened the door to see Bakugo with his feet on a table being told off by a blue haired kid with glass who seemed to be trying to cut the air in half with his arms.

"get your feet of that table you're disrespecting school property" the blue haired kid said to Bakugo.

"huh your kidding me right, did your old school put a stick up your ass or were you just born with it" Bakugo retorted

"Kacchan it hasn't even been 5 minutes into the school year and you're all ready causing problems" Izuku said.

"he started it"

Izuku sat behind Bakugo "you always say that"

"shut up Deku"

"all right class sit down and shut up" a tired looking man with black hair a scarf around his neck said as came into the class room.

10 seconds later Everyone was in their seat "mhh ok well I guess it could of been worse, my name is Aizawa and I'll be your home room teacher" he then took out a yellow something from behind his desk and proceed to step in it "now get change and meet on the field you have 10 minutes" Aizawa was now just a head and the rest of him was covered in the  yellow thing which appeared to be a sleeping bag.

Everyone sweat dropped 'what a strange man' they all though

Ten minutes later everyone was at the field waiting for Mr Aizawa. Midoriya was with Bakugo and the blue haired kid who said his name was Iida. "what do you think Mr Aizawa will make us do" Iida asked

Bakugo shrugged "don't know" he said with a scowl.

Iida looked at Bakugo then at Izuku "is he ok, he's been scowling this whole time"

Izuku looked at Bakugo "yeah he always looks like that, best just not mention it"

"SHUT UP DEKU" said a very angry Bakugo

"if you don't want me to say it then don't always look so angry all the time" said Izuku calmly "seriously it scares people"

Bakugo looked like he was about to burst a blood vessels "DEKKUUUU"

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