Secret Reviled

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"All right everyone settle down today you will be voting for your class Rep And vice rep" Aizawa then went into his sleeping bag and slept in the corner of the class room.

Immediately half the class started putting their hands up saying they would be the best option for class Rep.

"EVERYONE STOP!" Iida shouted "we should vote for class Rep whoever gets the most votes will be class Rep"

"it's clear you want us to vote for you"

Momo passed out piece of paper out so that people could vote. Izuku looked at his pice of paper 'who should I vote for, Kacchan is out of the question as he would probably blow something up, still need to think of someone tho' Izuku thought for a bit before writing something down.

All the votes were collected and counted, they were 8 for Izuku, 3 for Momo and 9 distributed between 9 others.

"OK so we have our rep and vice rep" Aizawa said "our rep will be Midoriya and our vice rep will be Yaoyorozu"

'0 votes and it was my idea' Iida said clenching his fist anime style with anime tears rolling down his face.

'why dose she get to be with him' the girls but Momo though annoyed.

'yes this means I will be able to get closer to him' Momo though as she and Izuku walked up front.

'how did I get 8 votes?' Izuku thought confused.

At lunch

Izuku, Bakugo and Iida were sat together on a table eating.

"why are you here four eyes?" Bakugo said

"I said he could sit here Kacchan, is there a problem with that" Izuku asked menacingly

A chill ran down Bakugos spine "N..No"

"hey Izuku can I sit here" Momo asked

"sure Momo" Izuku smiled

"hey can I sit here to Izuku" Itzuka asked

"sure Kendo"

"pleas call me Itzuka"

"uh.. OK Itzuka"

"so Izuku I was thinking that we should talk about class Rep stuff (what ever that may be)" Momo smiled

Itzuka didn't like the idea of Momo and Izuku getting closer to each other "trying to get ahead of me are you" Itzuka asked Momo smiling as a dark aura came of her and a anime tick on her forhead.

Momo looked at her with the same expression as her "What are you  going to do about it"

Before the girls could countine the alarm went off, people started to panic, Iida grabbed a older students arm "what's going on" he asked.

"the alarm means that someone has broken in, this hasn't happened in the 3 years I've been here" the older students said.

The exit way was crowded with panicking students trying to exit the building.

Izuku was stuck in between a wall of students and a massive glass window making him practically immobile, he looked out of the window and noticed that it was just the press that broke in.

'I need to get everyone to calm down' Izuku thought, he activated his Kagune and lifted himself above everyone gaining their attention "EVERYONE CALM DOWN ITS JUST THE PRESS THAT HAVE BROKEN IN ITS NOTHING BAD!!"

After hearing this most of the students seemed to calm down and went sit back down. Izuku deactivate his Kagune dropping to the floor.

"that was incredible Izuku, the way you managed to calm everyone down was amazing" Itzuka said

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