Ch. 3 A giant squid and exploding fruit

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Jay's POV

   We walked in the castle, and Annabeth kept talking about the architexture. All i could think is this place is amazing and shut up annabeth we know! McGonagle gave us quick tour then let us explore. We went down to the lake we saw. When we got there we sat down we put our feet in the water and percy started to mess around. He started to make shapes like horeses galloping and for some reason pinapples and bananas. all of a sudden a giant squid came out and tried to eat the water fruit. We all cracked up. So I helped Percy make more fruit and the squid kept trying to eat them we laughed so hard we didn't hear the whole school walk up. They gave us weird looks wondering why the squid was eating fruit made of water. 

     All of a sudden we heard someone clear there throught loudly we stopped laughing and grabbed our weapons  me, Percy, and Leo didn't we got ready to summon fire, water, and the dead. But when we turned around we saw the school. We started to crack up again. So hard we fell in to the lake. me and Percy stayed under and made an huge air bubble for all of us and continued to crack up. When we were finaly done we came back up every one soaking weat except me and Percy. They just stared at us and we cracked up again. When there stares stopped we stopped laughing so hard but we were still smiling so hard. Finaly one of them spoke it was a guy with black hair green eyes, a lightning bolt scar and glasses, he said " why are you laughingso hard?" I replied, " the giant squid ate fruit made of water like its a starving kid in a candy store. And why are you guys here?"" you wernt at lunch and some one saw you out here so we came to see if you guys were ok."

     " yeah were fine but STARVING." said Percy the rest of us rolled our eyes at him.  " Percy your always hungry," " That hurts sis." " for the millionth time Percy i told you not to call me sis!"

   The others rolled their eyes, But the students just stared at us like were freaks of nature, wich we are, you get used to it.

       we walked up to the great hall for dinner and yes were down there sense breakfast time. The wizards just stood still staring at the spot where we had stood. when we got to the castle they were already sitting down bercause we couldnt find the great hall. when we walked in all sound stoped. McGonagle said" come forward and well get you into a house." Annabeth was the first to go up and she got Gryfindor. I went next  i could tell everybody was nervous wed get split up.I was having a conversation with a hat mentally like I could with Nico or Percy. Weird. It was debating weiter or not to put me in Ravenclaw or Gryfindor. Gryffindoe it screamed and I sat next to annabeth. To my susprise every one got  Gryffindor. We sat down. McGonagle spoke" quidditch will be cancelled on Fridays.(there were many groans and mad looks) instead we will play capture the fl-" there were many cheers form us demigos."I talked to Chiron he's the teacher for the demigods, And he said to ask you how to play.'' 

     " there are 2 teams. some of your team stays to protect the flag and the others go on the other side to get their flag. The first team to bring the other teams flag to your side wins.' said Percy." there will be no wands and the demigod will teach you ow to use weapons from 7 am to 10 am each morning." said McGonagle. We demigods brook in to smiles. " Let the feast begin."

    Right in front of me was a giant fuit salad i LOVE FRUIT!!! I loaded my plat with it and and a cheese burger and fries. I at ethe cheese burger and some fries first. Then the fruit.right when I stoke my fork in to a straw berry it exploded and I yelled" TRAVIS CONNOR IM GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!" They  started to laugh so hard. I snapped my fingers and there were crackes in the floor and skeleton warriors climbed out and sauluter to me and a I said" Get Connor and Travis." They saluted and The stoll Brothers said " oh No NOT Again!" And they got up and ran away as fast as they could the warriors chased after them. The hall fell silent except sor us 10 laughing so hard. McGonagle spoke" how did you do that." I said " my fathers Hades." and ate some more fries. " i thought your Dad was Poseidon." " Nope Hades But i was raised by Poseidon so he gave ma all the powers his children have." A few minuets of silence later the warriors came in with Travis and Connor. I said " great  you guys want to come? they all nodded and followed me to the lake. When we got there I had the Stoll brothers dangling upside down from a tentacle of water in less that 20 seconds.  Then the squid came and snapped at then. I told it to go away. And I spon then I circlesSo fast they were green and red I finally set them down because the  color of their faces was gonna  make up spew.


Harry's POV

   We were eating and discussingcapture the flag when w e heard a BOOM!!! The Jay girl screamed " CONNOR TRAVIS I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!"And cracks on the groud appeared behind her and skeleton warriors appeared and they chased the twin out of the great hall. 

20 min. later. The warriors came back in  with the twins and they and the demigods followed her to Black Lake  Where they got spun in circles and almost got eaten by the squid. She finally sat them down and they fell on their faces in the dirt. And they demigods looked like they saw this often.

  Us on the other hand looked freaked out especally Malfoy And susprising George still looked like he was gonna prank them.

     THe twin got drenched by Percy And Jay and they woke up. And they ate and drank some weird stuff then their cutts and bruises faded away. and they looked better and said " ITS ON!!!!"

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