Ch. 5 Defense Against the Dark Arts and S'mores

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Authors Note; im so sorry its been like 3 weeks scense i've updated. I do not own Percy Jackson Or Harry Potter Characters only Jay.

Jays POV

    After Lunch we had Defense against the dark arts.Right now we were looking for the D.A.D.A. room. When we found it class was about to start so we sat down I ended up sitting next to Annabeth and Piper. Leo Jason and Percy sat next to each other. Clairess, Hazel and Frank. And the the Stolls and Drew.When class started The teacher wheeled in. He was in a wheel chair. No one knew who he was,except us demigods. When he got to the front he said 'hello I'm Mr. Brunner. I'll be your defense against the dark arts teacher for the year." He smiled at us. we smiled back. He said " every body tack a pen and a few pieces of paper from the pile then pase it back. When you get your paper and pen write down every thing you know about Greek Mythology/ But nothing on the demigods in the room. Begin." 

    after a few minuets most everybody was done except us we were still going strongChiron had to tell us to stop.Everybody Pencils down please. Jay please colect the papers' ' ok' I waved my hand and all the papers flew to the desk In 2 piles the demigods and the wizards. The wizards were suprised I didn't use a wand." know everybody get in partners a wizard and a demigod. I already Have then together when you here your name meet up with that persona nd when every body has ther parteners duel.Harry and Jay. Percy And Draco. Annabeth and Hermione..." When he was done i walked over to Harry and he said " I'm gonna whip your butt." ' not likly. Remember last time ?  You almost died from the fight even if you were fighting a daughter of Aphrodite you would have lost.'" haha but now i have my wand and I have the upperhand." I smirked at him " I like those odds why don't we find out." Chiron shouted 'start" and the fight began. I was going easy on him I could have destroyed him right away easily. He shot spells at me but i blocked them with the shield Hades gave me for my Birthday when I visited the Underworld a few years ago to help with the war. It folds to a Braclet with a few other charms that do different things. I took out my shield and the absorbed them and i flipped on to a desk and slashed his back while he was waatching another duel for a second. he screamed in pain. I smirked and said " never get distracted in battle It'll get you killed. Be a man I have had worse cutts and been poisened man up or at lest boy up." I flipped over him and smacked him on the back of his head with the flat of my blade. By now all the wizards have lost their duels and were sitting in chairs covered in cutts and bruises. The demigod s were just standing their watching the match and laughing. Everyone was watching now.Harry got up slowly and Shot a spell at me  I decided to end this I shwdow traveled behind him and put my sword at his throat and whispered " Like I said This is to easy." I removed my sword and sat down at my seat and drabbed a water bottle from my bag and started chugging it.  Everybody stared at me. And the Hermione spoke" How is that possible Harry is one of the best wizaeds we have? And Your younger than Him!" I laughed " Really I wasn't even trying that was to easy! and i'm way older than Him I just prefer to look this age because its the age of my Friends." 

   They just stared "You guys might want to go too the hospital you guys look horrible" i said "hey percy catch" i tosed him a water bottle and he caught it and instead of dringing it he stared to play with it and make it into shapes and just plain mess around with it. I was about to say something but Annabeth beat me to it She said "Seaweed brain she gave it to you to drink!" Annnabeth and me both samcked Him! He said " Ow! Why did you zap me Jay?" " I didn't but thats a good idea!' I electrified my hands and ran after him and when i grabed him His hair stood up and you could see the elericity around him. I stopped and he sat down hard and said " can I have that water bottle now?" I tossed hima bottle. I almost forgot we were at a wizarding school i felt like we were back at camp. I smiled and said" Do any of you feel like were back at Camp?" They all nodded.   " Chiron Whos running Camp?" "The Olympians are talking turns. They Each do for a week than switch.' " Thanks I was wondering. Bye."

The bell rang and we were on our way to our next class.

        After that we had Transfiguration. it was pretty Boring. All we did was turn thing into animals. It was pretty funny when I turned Travis and Connor in to snakes and threw them at a bunch of girly looking girls. Mcgonagle turned them back and Glared at Me and said " I'll let you of with a warning don't do that again or it'll be detension for a month." i smiled and Saluted and said " Yes Ma'am". she glared at me again. i smirked and thought Percy s starting to rub off on me.

     Class ended and we had a free period so we decided to go to the forest and train. The guys decided to have a sword fighting contest. And us girls did the Lava rock climbing wall they buildt for us.  After doing that for a few times We did some Archery then watched the Guys duel. after they were done  Me and Leo made a camp fire and I brought out Gramcrackers, Chocolate and Marshmellows. They all yelled "S'mores! Yum!!!"

    We all grabbed sticks and a few marshmellows and started to toast them. When i took Mine out they were a nice golden brown I grabbed a few crackers and a hersey chocolate bar and put it together and It was Delisious! Bt know everybody had a marshmellows toasted and were eating.When Percy spoke Up" Good idea Jay Rhis feels just like camp, except its only us out here and Not the rest of camp." When Chiron came Up. We said " Hey chiron want a s'more?' He said " sure and why arn't you guys at the great Hall for dinner its getting late?" we looked up sure enough it was dark out. Piper said," sorry we were training and lost track of time and then we made a fire and Ajy brought out S'more stuff it felt to much like camp sorry." "Its ok just go up to dinner." we nodded and put out the flames then left for dinner.

    Only we didn't know we were being watched the entire time.

 Authors Note Hey guys I'm Thinking about writing another story about Percy Jackson and Hiccup and Toothless Let Me know what you Think. Thanks.

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