Chapter Seven: The Escape

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Looking at the wave of wild people coming for me anytime now, I tried to get the key in. My plan was to shift into reverse, and bump those hordes just like a bowling ball turning the pins down. Without ado, I did what was needed to be done, and strike my car off with those guys. Their faces were just numb despite the force, but they fell down the streets. I immediately accelerated towards the other group in front of me colliding them with a huge impact, too. When done, I let out a deep sigh, and took the once peaceful roads of Chicago.

I asked myself what was wrong with this people; they looked resistant to ache you cause them. Whatever you to do them, it doesn't seem to affect them. I wondered. Shifting to another lane which would likely take me to where Levi is right now, another thought came up to my mind-that more jeopardy awaits when I reach their destination. He reminded me that there are still a lot of "it" surrounding the building they are stuck into. As much as I wanted not to go to that place, it still leaves me no choice but I have to because there is nowhere else to go. And if I won't go there, the fact that he will be waiting there, just discredit the effort that he is now doing. Whatever, if I die, I die.

Focusing now to where I am going, a drove across the store I just went earlier. Stopped for a while to take a view of what's happening inside, the store was filled with a group. The difference now is that, these people are now looking so horrible than before; and they act more oddly than what they were back then. I wondered if the young boy who answered my question earlier had become one of them. I just hope he is safe, and is in good place right now.
I continued my car to take on, and everywhere I go, I attract attention from these people, which puts fright in my heart, and causes me to shiver.

"Attention, this is the emergency broadcast system of the United States of America. Requesting everyone to stay at their respective homes for the next few weeks. With the sudden increase of people developing cough, cold and extreme fever, it is advised to stay vigilant at all times. Lock down your homes, and do not open your doors to any stranger, especially those people who have developed the said illnesses. These people are highly contagious, and chances are great that when you have contact with these ones, you will also catch the same virus they are in right now. If you or someone you know had the virus, it is also advisable to bring them in the nearest hospital possible. Stay updated for further announcements. Keep safe, America!"

The beeping sound started, and in a second or two, it cut off. U don't know, but I find it scary hearing the announcer telling everybody to stay at their homes, but the situation is starting to make sense that everything is not under control, and even the authority cannot do anything about it.

A few moments passed, I found myself almost there to the said building where Levi and some others whom he didn't know are situated. I stopped in a corner, near a coffee shop, trying to be cautious of anything strange happening around. I turned my gaze to the entrance of the building Levi was talking about, and he was right. There are many people who have turned into "it" lurking and circling the area. How could I even find a way to sneak behind the building when I don't have any idea if the other corners of these streets and the other sides of the building are also surrounded with these crazy people? The idea bothers me off. Testing my luck, I turned to an alleyway between two cafes, and to my surprise, that corridor exposed no one. And then suddenly, the gas tank went empty.

Oh, God!
I put my hands on my face, feeling bad once again. Is this another test? If it is, I am tired. A screech suddenly roared the calm streets causing the hairs of my back stand. You've got to be kidding me. An "it", looked like a woman with a black curly hair and a dark-complexion, hastily ran towards my direction, making a noise that also caught the attention of other "it's" to join her. I dragged myself out the car, and ran to the fire exit that Levi was referring to where he will be waiting for.

I ran and ran when my vision spotted another "it" running towards my direction. It's a boy. He wears a polo soaked with blood, and his face was really bedraggled. His eyes are the same with others, bloodshot, and bluish-purplish colored nerves are appearing on his face.

I doubled my time as I pace towards the door which I prayed for as the door, disregarding fatigue crawling to my body. I swung my head a little to take a momentary look with the "it" boy, but I realized that he cannot run. His left leg are the base of all the force and balance he had on his body, and the other is just a weight that drags him away from his goal-and that is to attack me.

Still gasping for breath, the candle of hope was slowly lit up when I reached the door of the fire exit Levi was talking about. I immediately knocked the door thrice to make sure that it's me, and he has to open the door right away, or else all my efforts will be in vain.

But, no one answered. Panic surged on my system.

"Levi! Open the door." My heartbeats were all I heard as response.

"Levi! Please open the fucking door." I called once again.

A few second have passed, there is still no answer. To my distress, I backed away in a quick jerky steps, and I forcibly kicked the door.

What I did just caught more and more attention from these people, causing them to come out from different directions.

I kicked the door once more and called Levi's name once again with all the volume I had in my throat not knowing if he is still there or not. Crying, I let two more powerful kicks, and just as I was about to do another, a sudden click sounded. There is hope once again.

A man on a blue shirt with a dark pants opened the door. His face soaked with something, not with blood but with dried mud and dirt. It was Levi. He smiled at me.

"Sorry. We just made sure if it's those assholes, a survivor, or you." Still smiling, he offered me a hand, giving me a signal to go inside.

Cracked voices from all directions, I immediately jumped inside to finally feel and experience what I have been longing for-comfort. A bit. Momentary, at least.

"Arya, you're safe." He called.

"For temporary." I replied while I pressed my back to the wall.

I let out a sigh. Yeah, temporarily safe from what's out there, and Levi's confession is the next thing to handle.

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